
A shoreline isn't just a compass of sand, however shells of ocean animals, the ocean glass, the kelp, the incomprehensible items cleaned up by the sea. ...
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I don't fear demise to such an extent as I fear its prefaces: forlornness, haggardness, torment, incapacitation, gloom, infirmity. Following a couple of years of those, I envision demise presents like an occasion at the shoreline.

A straightforward life is great with me. I needn't bother with a ton. For me, a T-shirt, some shorts, shoeless on a shoreline and I'm glad.

The ocean does not remunerate the individuals who are excessively restless, excessively insatiable, or excessively anxious. One should lie unfilled, open, choiceless as a shoreline - sitting tight for a blessing from the ocean.

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