recepis bebek kaleyo

1 duck, cut into 8 pieces
1 sheet of turmeric leaves
2 stalks lemongrass, crushed
5 pieces of orange leaf, discard the bone
1 piece of kandis acid
1 1/4 tsp salt
1 tsp brown sugar
250 ml thick coconut milk
750 ml of coconut milk is thin

Ground spices:
8 cloves of red onion
6 pieces of curly red chilli
2 large red peppers
2 cm turmeric
1 cm ginger
1 tsp coriander powder

Sprinkle material
Fried onion to taste

How to make:
First, boiled thin coconut milk, fine spices, lemon grass, turmeric leaves, and lime leaves until boiling. After boiling the benefits of duck, brown sugar, salt, and also kandis acid. Cook over low heat until the sauce becomes more viscous and the spices soak in the duck. Then add the thick coconut milk. Cook again until boiling and ripe. If it is cooked, remove kaleyo and put in a serving plate with a sprinkling of fried meat on top. kaleyo duck was ready to eat.

Well mother, that's the previous recipe of kaleyo maknyos duck. How, easy recipe is not it? Or ingi ...

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