I love batterfly

Really I Love

*Dear Allah... You guided me in your way I'm back to you But I'm still not conscious I am very far from the word ketaqwaan My days are sometimes too vain .. *

I'm still too stupid to understand
I am neglected with your world
Until I forget I'll be back
I still love your world too much
hinggaku forget your love is very meaning ..

I keep chasing the carcass of the world
Lupaku remembers you in pleasure
Sometimes it's hard to complain
Do not accept my destiny
I feel like a perfect person
That should have everything
Tanpaku is conscious
I am a humiliated man before you

** Every journey is your view
Every word is your hearing
But I forgot
I am almost every time in a sin
My arrogant life
My attitude to choose
My wealth makes people hurt
I say that always hurt
My closed heart because of the accompaniment of sin approaches me .. **

  • But now I am conscious
    I'm always in monitoring
    So allow me to pour out this very soul
    The more you missed
    Missed for you
    Even missed close to you
    Teach me I love you god
    Hinggaku forgot the sting of your world
    Sow the pleasures of longing for me god
    Until I forget there is a heart that I should forget your karnamu *

*** Oohh God ..
Teach me to shed tears of your karna
Until there was no cries that hurt my karn
Make every journey a blessing,
Until no longer I meet a lot of bad chase to find me .. ***

  • Oh God ..
    Really I miss ... *

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