Limitless Lifestyle Coaching

Hello steemians!

Imagine a life without limits achieving the kind of lifestyle that you want, well that is easy to achieve if you simply obtain Lifestyle Coaching and become a Lifestyle Entrepreneur.


Lifestyle entrepreneurs are people who prioritise lifestyle before profit. Most people I coach or network with become very money motivated but I personally value freedom and independence more than anything else. This is why many of us entrepreneurs become Lifestyle coaches, We’re crystal clear on our desired lifestyle and build our businesses around this... not just to allow for what’s most important to us and our why but to support it. Am i still motivated to make a lot of money ? Heck yes I am ! but it's going about it the right way, the No-Nonsense way that is most important for success.


1. Freedom


This is what most entrepreneurs seek, to be able to run a business from their laptop anywhere in the world. They travel and strive to create a freedom lifestyle and explore the world freely. Yet for a lot of others it may be about something else that doesn't involve traveling the world but instead means they stay put but’s always about freedom and whatever that means to you, time, money.


2. Flexibility


A big part is flexibility. Set your own hours, work when and how you want. Maybe you just want to work weekends or just an hour a day or better yet whenever you feel like it. Obviously we can't all achieve this straight away and it solely depends on your clients or type of business you are in.. or maybe it just depends on your busy fun hobby schedule right?. Its up to you to set your flexibility up so that it works for you.


3. Financial independence


Entrepreneurship can be crazy and stressful to start with at the best of times and yes it will take its toll on your stress levels and home life. Things like not having your own insurances or a guaranteed monthly income, you still cant ignore the fact that the possibilities are limitless. As a lifestyle entrepreneur you can become an expert at leverage and start leveraging business educational products and services and begin your own 1 on 1 consulting.


4. Building a team


Leverage yourself-  This is something I always teach my clients, don't try to do everything yourself which I know we all do to begin with, that is just the life of an entrepreneur. Begin to start outsourcing your work to experts that can do a much better job.. no offense, it just means you can get them to do the parts of your business you don't enjoy doing leaving you free to concentrate and focus on other things.


5. Location Location Location..AKA Location independence


Another big part of being a lifestyle entrepreneur is being location independent. If you want to stay home, you simply work from home. Maybe you want to go out and get a coffee and be social, then you can go sit in a coffee shop. As long as you have WiFi, you can work with your clients one on one through Skype, group calls or video calls, host webinars or hangouts, and so much more with people anywhere in the world...It just makes you appreciate the modern world we live in doesn't it...long live WiFi!


6. Own development and personal growth


Figuring out all the different parts of starting and growing a business you begin training your mind more than you realize you will constantly grow and develop as an entrepreneur. You’ll fail, learn, grow and then you just simply rinse, and repeat. Whether your business is for personal growth, SEO, Coaching, what ever it may be its always going to help your personal growth.


7. Creativity


Running your own business and working when and where you want also gives you the ticket to entering the genius creative side of your mind and showing the world how unique you are. If you have some freaky ideas or hell... if your a bit freaky yourself in some aspects then roll with it ! be creative and show the world what your all about and then coach this lifestyle. Creative freedom is important if you are seeking to be your own boss.


8. Branding


Make your brand what you are, and if you are a bit of an odd ball which I am sometimes then hey thats cool!. The thing that people connect with is your honesty of who you really are as well as the honesty of what your brand brings to the table. What this means is that people will respect you more for being open about your unique ways and personality and will appreciate the differences between you and the other people who just follow the zombie train of marketing.


9. Learning


You will notice that the gurus and successful entrepreneurs are never satisfied with the knowledge they have and they are constantly seeking more. Find something you are passionate about and learn everything there is to know so that you become the authority.

10. Leave Your Legacy

Many entrepreneurs or business owners pass their business down to younger generations. It gives you great pride in your "family" business and most entrepreneurs are motivated by the ability to leave a lasting legacy, whether it be for their family, or even for the world to learn from.

So I hope this has helped you to see what being a lifestyle entrepreneur is all about and what the reasons are for many entrepreneurs choosing this route.

If you want the limitless lifestyle yourself or just want to learn more about the limitless lifestyle then click below and get your free limitless book! This is a physical book delivered straight to your doorstep.


What are your top reasons for prioritising your lifestyle over profit? Or do you hustle all day for the money and nothing more? Would love to hear your thoughts here.


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