Entomophagy Recipe: Avocado Toast with Roasted Mealworms

Avocade Toast with Roasted Mealworms, photo copyright Michela Dai Zovi

There are few ingredients that exemplify the way culture and circumstance are reflected in food, better than the avocado. Looked down upon in places where its abundance prevented it from becoming a status symbol, and referred to as, “the poor man's butter,” the avocado has historically been thought of as inferior to spreads made from dairy. Now, the act of smearing of avocado on toast has somehow earned the opposite reputation, gaining notoriety as some kind of bourgeois breakfast for hipsters too snooty for simple cereal. Whatever the avocado means to you, it's hard to argue with the way its smoothness supports the smoky flavor and light crisp of roasted mealworms. If you like your avocado with an extra kick, consider spicing it up with some Merci Mercado sal de gusano, or Incredible Foods cricket salt.

Time: 20 mins
Serves: 2


  • 2 Tbsp (20 grams) roasted mealworms
  • 1 avocado
  • salt & pepper to taste
  • 2 slices toast; bread to preference
  • chia seeds, to garnish (optional)


  1. Prepare your mealworms. If you are using ready-to-eat mealworms such as Entomo Farms Bug Bistro Mealworms, skip to step 3; all you have to do is open the bag. If you are using frozen mealworms, follow provider instructions on the package. If you have raised your own mealworms, you will need to euthanize them in the freezer a day ahead of time, then boil for 3-5 minutes to kill any parasites, and drain. If you are boiling a small, single serving of mealworms, consider just putting your frozen mealworms in a large mesh tea ball strainer and dropping the tea ball in a pot of boiling water-- this will make it very easy to collect and drain mealworms after boiling.

  2. To roast, pre-heat oven to 320 degrees fahrenheit, and spread mealworms over a pan or piece of tin foil. You don't need any oil, they are fatty enough. Roast in the oven for 10-15 minutes until they are fragrant, and lightly crispy and dry to the touch. Be sure to watch carefully, as they can burn very quickly! Set mealworms aside.

  3. Cut the avocado in half lengthwise, slicing into it until you feel the knife hit the pit, then rotating the avocado.Twist the avocado halves in opposite directions like you're turning two doorknobs, until they separate. Remove the seed with a spoon and discard seed, then scoop out the creamy green avocado meat, scraping away from the tough outer skin, and put in a bowl. Mash the avocado meat with spoon or a fork until slightly chunky. Season with desired spices, such as sal de gusano, cricket salt, or plain salt and pepper.

  4. Toast your bread. What kind of bread you use is personal preference, but I prefer something textured and flavorful, like a sourdough, a nutty German-style brown bread, or any whole grain.

  5. Spread avocado mixture onto toast, taking care to avoid spilling all over the sides. Sprinkle liberally with roasted mealworms, and garnish with any desired accents, such as chia seeds or fresh cilantro.

This recipe is included in Bugs for Beginners, a cookbook which teaches Westerners how to prepare and safely eat insects.

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