Ultimate Wrestling Season 3 - Ch.8: Ronin Rumble Night One: PART - 3



The Tokyo Dome buzzed with anticipation as the lights dimmed, the excitement of the crowd building for the next match in the tournament. The Yoshida Sisters versus the Tsar’s Tormentors promised to be an intense clash of cultures, fighting styles, and ideologies. Thousands of essential Japanese workers were chanting the name Yosida, their voices growing louder, eager to see their hometown heroes step into the ring.

Miyu Kojima stood in the center of the ring, her voice booming through the arena’s speakers.

Miyu Kojima: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is a second-round tag team tournament match! Introducing first...!

Suddenly, the unmistakable opening of “Battle Cry” echoed throughout the arena, and the crowd erupted. The arena was bathed in a red and white glow, representing the pride of Japan as Kana and Yui Yoshida emerged from the curtain, greeted by thunderous cheers.

Kana Yoshida, known as The Okinawa Fury, marched down the ramp, her expression intense, eyes focused straight ahead. Every movement she made reflected her martial arts upbringing, her fists clenched in a fighter’s stance, showing her readiness for battle. Yui Yoshida, the younger sister, followed at her side, her smaller frame packed with energy as she waved to the fans. Yui’s agility and speed were palpable, her steps quick and sharp, radiating excitement.

The Yoshida Sisters paused for a moment at the top of the ramp, looking out over the sea of fans in the upper bowl. The roar of the crowd surged again, the chants of "Yoshida! Yoshida!" rolling like waves through the arena. The sisters exchanged a brief glance—a silent understanding—before making their way to the ring.

Scott Slade: Listen to this crowd! The Yoshida Sisters are hometown favorites here, and the fans are making sure everyone watching at home knows it!

Holly Hudson: You can feel the energy in the air tonight! Kana and Yui are fierce competitors in their own right, but with this kind of support behind them, they’re a force to be reckoned with.

Chris Rodgers (scoffing): Cheer all you want, it won’t save them from the Tsar’s Tormentors. Kana and Yui might have heart, but they’re walking into a match with seasoned killers.

As Miyu Kojima’s voice rang out once again, the Yoshida Sisters entered the ring.

Miyu Kojima: Weighing in at a combined weight of 277 pounds, representing Okinawa, Japan, Kana Yoshida and Yui Yoshida... the Yoshida Sisters!

Inside the ring, Kana and Yui raised their arms to the fans, feeding off the electric atmosphere. Kana’s face remained stern, mentally preparing herself for the battle ahead. Yui, on the other hand, smiled confidently, her youthful exuberance showing through as she took in the support of the crowd.

But their focus shifted sharply as the arena’s lights suddenly flickered and dimmed. A chilling, militant anthem, “Soviet March,” began to play over the loudspeakers, and the arena was bathed in dark, blood-red lighting. The once thunderous cheers turned into a chorus of boos, and the energy in the arena shifted dramatically.

Mikhail Mordokrov, the Chernyy Kostyor, made his entrance. The 102-year-old relic of Soviet experimentation stalked down the ramp, his massive frame towering over everything in his path. His face was twisted into a sneer beneath his hood, the scars from countless the experiment and his past battles visible on his arms. Every step he took seemed deliberate, his eyes cold and lifeless as he surveyed the hostile Japanese crowd. Svetlana Kazakova, the Chyornaya Vedma, followed closely behind him. Her face was a mask of unfeeling determination, her physique imposing, and her eyes gleamed with sadistic intent as they fixed on the Yoshida Sisters.

Miyu Kojima: And their opponents... weighing in at a combined weight of 445 pounds, from Moscow and Volgograd, Russia, Mikhail Mordokrov and Svetlana Kazakova... the Tsar’s Tormentors!

The arena filled with boos and jeers, the disdain for the Russian duo palpable. As Mordokrov and Svetlana made their way down the ramp, they showed no sign of concern for the crowd’s reaction. If anything, their faces grew more twisted with malicious enjoyment, basking in the hostility directed at them.

Svetlana glanced at Mordokrov, a wicked smile creeping across her face as she soaked in the animosity. Mordokrov, for his part, looked unfazed—his history as a KGB operative and survivor of brutal Soviet programs had hardened him into a nearly emotionless being.

Scott Slade: Look at the tattoos and scars on Mikhail Mordokrov, his visage is terrifying, and standing by his side, Svetlana Kazakova, as deadly as she is strong.

Holly Hudson: The Japanese crowd is firmly behind the Yoshida Sisters, but the Tsar’s Tormentors look more than ready to crush that support.

Chris Rodgers: And they will, Holly. Mark my words—the Yoshida Sisters are about to learn the hard way why Mordokrov and Svetlana are so feared.

As Mordokrov and Svetlana stepped into the ring, the Yoshida Sisters didn’t flinch. Kana and Yui stood their ground, eyeing their much larger opponents with a mixture of caution and determination. Despite the ominous presence of the Tsar’s Tormentors, the Yoshida Sisters were clearly ready to fight, knowing they had the support of the Tokyo Dome behind them.

The referee stood between the two teams, the tension in the ring thick as the crowd continued to chant for the Yoshidas. Mordokrov slowly removed his red coat, revealing his scarred, tattooed body—a living testament to his violent past. Svetlana cracked her knuckles, her cruel smile never leaving her face.

Scott Slade: This is going to be a battle, folks. You can feel it in the air—the crowd is behind the Yoshida Sisters, but the Tsar’s Tormentors are here to make a statement.

The referee raised his arm, signaling for both teams to get ready. The crowd hushed in anticipation, their eyes glued to the ring. With one final glance between the competitors, the bell rang, officially starting the match. As the bell rang, the crowd buzzed with excitement, eager to see which team would gain the upper hand in this high-stakes match. Svetlana Kazakova, the Chyornaya Vedma, stepped forward confidently, her muscular frame and imposing stature drawing a mix of boos and tense anticipation from the crowd. Across from her, Kana Yoshida, the older of the two Yoshida Sisters, moved gracefully into position, her sharp, disciplined movements showing her martial arts roots.

The two women circled each other, the tension in the ring building with every step. Svetlana's eyes gleamed with cold calculation, while Kana’s expression remained steely, her fists clenched and ready.

Scott Slade: This is going to be a clash of power and technique! Svetlana has the size advantage, but Kana’s speed and martial arts background could give her the edge early on.

Holly Hudson: Kana’s got to keep her distance and use that speed to avoid Svetlana’s devastating power moves. One wrong step, and it could spell disaster.

Chris Rodgers: But look at Svetlana—she’s like a predator, stalking her prey. If she gets her hands on Kana, it’s over.

Svetlana lunged first, her long arms reaching for a lock-up, but Kana darted to the side, narrowly avoiding the grip. She struck quickly, delivering a sharp karate chop to Svetlana’s chest, the loud thwack echoing through the arena. Svetlana staggered back slightly, but the blow only seemed to fuel her aggression.

Without wasting a second, Kana followed up with a low leg sweep, aiming to bring the bigger woman off her feet. But Svetlana leaped back, avoiding the sweep and countering with a spinning knife-edge chop that connected hard with Kana’s chest and shoulder. Kana winced, but maintained her balance, retreating a few steps to reset her position.

The crowd cheered the exchange, impressed by both women’s speed and power.

Holly Hudson: What an opening! Both of these women are feeling each other out, looking for that moment to strike!

Svetlana smirked, clearly enjoying the challenge. She moved in again, this time grabbing Kana’s arm and pulling her in for an Olympic slam. Kana twisted her body at the last second, using her agility to land on her feet instead of being driven into the mat. The crowd roared in approval as Kana spun around and fired off a quick spinning roundhouse kick aimed at Svetlana’s head.

But Svetlana ducked just in time, narrowly avoiding the kick. As Kana’s leg passed over her head, Svetlana surged forward, grabbing her from behind in a belly-to-back hold. With a quick, powerful movement, Svetlana drove Kana backward into the corner turnbuckles, using her size advantage to crush Kana against the padded steel.

Svetlana’s smirk widened as she pressed her forearm into Kana’s throat, applying pressure while the referee began counting to five. She let up at four, raising her hands in mock innocence as Kana gasped for breath. Yui Yoshida, standing on the apron, clapped her hands, urging her sister to get back into the fight.

Svetlana moved in to capitalize, but Kana exploded out of the corner, delivering a series of rapid-fire karate chops to Svetlana’s midsection. The chops came fast and hard, each one driving Svetlana back a step, the crowd cheering with each hit. Sensing the momentum shift, Kana grabbed Svetlana’s arm and whipped her into the opposite corner.

With Svetlana now trapped, Kana charged forward, delivering a running knee strike that connected with a loud thud. Svetlana groaned in pain, clutching her ribs, as Kana immediately followed up with a flurry of palm strikes, each one hitting with pinpoint precision.

Scott Slade: Kana’s speed is coming into play here! She’s wearing Svetlana down with those sharp strikes!

Chris Rodgers: Don’t get too excited—Svetlana’s still got plenty left in the tank. One big move, and she’ll turn this around.

Kana backed off, letting Svetlana stagger out of the corner, her face twisted in frustration. But just as Kana prepared to go in for another strike, Svetlana countered, delivering a brutal forearm to Kana’s jaw that sent the smaller woman stumbling back. Seizing the opportunity, Svetlana grabbed Kana by the throat and hoisted her up, preparing for a chokeslam.

But before Svetlana could drive her down, Kana wriggled free, landing on her feet. With lightning reflexes, she dashed toward her corner and made the tag to Yui Yoshida.

Yui sprang over the top rope, her agility on full display as she leaped into the ring. Wasting no time, she ran straight at Svetlana, delivering a flying forearm smash that knocked the bigger woman back a step. The crowd roared as Yui followed up with a series of rapid strikes, peppering Svetlana with karate chops and quick kicks, trying to keep her off balance.

Svetlana growled in frustration, trying to grab Yui, but the younger Yoshida sister was too fast. She ducked under Svetlana’s outstretched arms and rebounded off the ropes, hitting her with a springboard dropkick that sent the Russian powerhouse crashing to the mat.

Scott Slade: Yui Yoshida is in, and she’s on fire! The Yoshida Sisters are using their speed and agility to keep Svetlana at bay!

Holly Hudson: This is exactly the strategy they need. They can’t let Svetlana overpower them—they’ve got to keep her moving!

Chris Rodgers: That dropkick won’t keep Svetlana down for long. Mark my words, Yui’s in for a world of pain once Svetlana gets her hands on her!

Yui glanced at Kana, who was still recovering in the corner, and gave her a nod. The sisters had the momentum, but they knew better than to underestimate Svetlana and most of all her partner, Mikhail Mordokrov, who stood on the apron, his cold eyes fixed on the action in the ring.

Yui quickly climbed to the top turnbuckle, her agility and balance impeccable as she prepared to leap. Svetlana began to stir, pushing herself up to her hands and knees. The crowd was on its feet as Yui measured her opponent, ready to deliver a high-flying move.

Yui Yoshida soared through the air, her form perfect as she came down with a shooting star elbow drop that connected squarely with Svetlana Kazakova’s chest. The impact shook the ring, and the Tokyo Dome erupted in cheers as Yui quickly hooked Svetlana’s leg, going for the pin.

Referee Bob Sigro slid into position, his hand hitting the mat.


But before the crowd could even get excited for a near fall, Svetlana kicked out with raw power, launching Yui off her like she weighed nothing. The force of the kick-out was so intense that Yui rolled backward across the ring, her eyes wide in shock at the sheer strength of her opponent.

Scott Slade: Whoa! Did you see that? Svetlana Kazakova just tossed Yui off her like she was a ragdoll!

Chris Rodgers: What did I tell you? Yui might’ve hit that elbow, but Svetlana is a beast. She’s not going down that easily. These Russians are cut from a different cloth.

Holly Hudson: Yui’s going to have to do a lot more if she wants to keep Svetlana down for longer than a one-count.

Despite the powerful kick-out, Yui wasn’t ready to back down. She quickly got back to her feet, refusing to let the moment slip away. She charged at Svetlana, who was still on the mat, and hit her with a running power kick to the ribs, hoping to keep the bigger woman grounded.

Svetlana grunted as Yui followed up with a series of rapid stomps, each one landing with a thud on her opponent’s body. The crowd cheered Yui on, rallying behind her as she worked to maintain control of the match. But as Yui grabbed Svetlana’s arm, attempting to lock her into a modified armbar, the Russian powerhouse had other plans.

Svetlana’s face twisted into a snarl as she grabbed Yui by the wrist and yanked her forward with tremendous force. In a burst of power, Svetlana lifted Yui off the mat and swung her into the corner turnbuckle, causing Yui’s back to hit the padded steel with a sickening thud.

The crowd gasped as Yui crumpled to the mat, clutching her lower back in pain. Svetlana, breathing heavily but grinning wickedly, took a moment to shake off the earlier blows. Her cold, calculating eyes locked onto Yui, and without hesitation, she marched over and grabbed Yui by the hair, dragging her to her feet.

With a thunderous roar, Svetlana hoisted Yui into the air and drove her back down to the canvas with a devastating Death Valley Driver. The ring shook from the impact, and the energy in the Tokyo Dome shifted as the Tsar’s Tormentors began to take control.

Scott Slade: That’s the kind of strength and power Svetlana is known for!

Holly Hudson: The momentum is shifting, and it’s not looking good for Yui right now. She’s in dangerous territory!

Chris Rodgers: Here comes the pain! Svetlana’s about to hand this over to Mikhail Mordokrov, and it’s all downhill from here for the Yoshida Sisters.

With Yui laid out on the mat, Svetlana smirked and casually made her way to her corner, extending her hand toward her partner, Mikhail Mordokrov. The Chernyy Kostyor, who had been watching with an icy calm from the apron, reached out and tagged himself in. The crowd responded with a wave of boos as the towering Russian stepped into the ring, his cold, emotionless expression sending chills through the arena. Meanwhile Svetlana pulled out a metal cigarette case from the bottom of her spandex leotard and lit up a cigarette and began smoking as she watched her partner and lover begin to menace their opponents.

Yui, still dazed from the Olympic Slam, tried to pull herself up using the ropes, but Mordokrov was on her in an instant. The 102-year-old Soviet super-soldier moved with incredible speed, grabbing Yui by the arm and whipping her into the ropes. As she rebounded, Mordokrov delivered a brutal clothesline, nearly taking Yui’s head off and sending her crashing back down to the mat.

The impact was thunderous, and Yui lay on the canvas, gasping for air as the crowd groaned in sympathy.

Scott Slade: Mikhail Mordokrov is in, and he’s wasting no time! That clothesline was like a freight train!

Holly Hudson: Yui needs to make a tag, and fast! She can’t go toe-to-toe with Mordokrov on her own.

Mordokrov sneered, the boos from the crowd only fueling his cruel enjoyment of the moment. He grabbed Yui by the throat with one hand, lifting her up like she was nothing. With an effortless display of power, he slammed her back down to the mat with a brutal chokeslam, his massive frame looming over her as he surveyed the damage he had done.

Yui’s body bounced off the canvas from the force of the chokeslam, and she lay sprawled out, clearly in trouble. Kana Yoshida, standing on the apron, shouted encouragement to her sister, her hand outstretched for the tag. But Mordokrov had no intention of letting Yui escape that easily.

With a cold, methodical precision, Mordokrov grabbed Yui by the legs, dragging her to the center of the ring. He locked in an ankle lock, twisting her ankle with malicious intent as Yui screamed in agony, trying desperately to crawl toward her corner.

The crowd rallied behind her, chanting “Yoshida! Yoshida!” as she clawed at the mat, but Mordokrov only tightened his grip, wrenching her ankle further. The pain on Yui’s face was clear, but she gritted her teeth and refused to tap.

Scott Slade: Mordokrov’s got that ankle lock cinched in tight! Yui’s in agony, but she’s trying to fight through the pain!

Holly Hudson: This is a test of pure willpower for Yui Yoshida. Can she make it to her sister before it’s too late?

Chris Rodgers: Mordokrov is going to break her in half. This is what happens when you step into the ring with the top heel in Ultimate Wrestling.

Despite the searing pain, Yui’s resolve didn’t break. She stretched out her arm, inching closer and closer to her corner where Kana Yoshida was practically bouncing on the ropes, desperately waiting for the tag. Yui Yoshida, gritting her teeth through the pain of the ankle lock, stretched her arm as far as it would go. The crowd roared in support as her fingers grazed her sister’s outstretched hand. Mordokrov, sensing the momentum shifting, twisted her ankle harder, trying to prevent the tag, but it was too late. Yui’s fingertips slapped Kana’s palm, and the referee signaled the tag.

Kana Yoshida exploded into the ring, her face set in determination. She immediately went after Mordokrov, catching him off guard with a flying forearm smash that staggered the massive Russian. The crowd erupted in cheers as Kana launched into a series of rapid strikes, using her karate training to deliver quick and powerful kicks to Mordokrov’s midsection, forcing him to backpedal.

Holly Hudson: Kana’s in, and she’s not wasting any time! She’s taking the fight straight to Mordokrov!

Scott Slade: But can she keep up the pressure? Mordokrov has proven time and time again that he can absorb a lot of punishment!

Chris Rodgers: It’s only a matter of time before Mordokrov turns this around. Kana’s got guts, but this is a different level of competition.

Kana hit Mordokrov with a spinning kick to the ribs, her feet moving like lightning, but despite the series of blows, Mordokrov’s massive frame didn’t crumble. He staggered, yes, but his cold, dead-eyed expression never wavered. Kana tried to whip him into the ropes, hoping to build more momentum, but Mordokrov reversed the move, sending Kana into the ropes instead.

As Kana rebounded, Mordokrov extended his massive arm, nailing her with a devastating clothesline that nearly turned her inside out. Kana’s body hit the mat hard, and the Japanese crowd groaned in unison, their cheers turning into worried murmurs.

Mordokrov stood tall, breathing heavily, but clearly still in control. He sneered down at Kana, who lay on the mat, clutching her chest after the brutal hit. Slowly, methodically, Mordokrov bent down and grabbed Kana by the hair, lifting her off the mat with ease. His face twisted into a cold smirk as he stared into Kana’s eyes, showing no mercy. With a roar, Mordokrov hoisted Kana up and delivered a brutal fallaway slam, tossing her across the ring like she was a rag doll. Kana’s body skidded across the canvas, coming to rest near the ropes, where she lay gasping for air, the momentum of her comeback completely halted.

Scott Slade: Mordokrov is in complete control here! Kana had the advantage for a moment, but once Mordokrov gets his hands on you, it’s lights out!

Holly Hudson: He’s just too strong. Kana can’t get past that raw power!

Chris Rodgers: I told you, this match was never going to go the Yoshida Sisters' way. Mordokrov is on another level!

Mordokrov stalked toward Kana, his expression one of grim satisfaction. Kana struggled to get to her feet, using the ropes to pull herself up, but her legs wobbled from the impact of the fallaway slam. Mordokrov moved in, grabbing her by the throat, lifting her off the ground for a chokeslam. The crowd gasped, realizing the dire situation Kana was in. But just as Mordokrov prepared to slam her down, Kana fought back, throwing rapid punches at his arm and neck. The blows, though small compared to his immense strength, caught Mordokrov off guard, loosening his grip just enough for Kana to break free.

Kana landed on her feet, quickly turning and leaping into the air, delivering a flying knee to Mordokrov’s jaw. The Russian powerhouse staggered backward, momentarily dazed by the sudden strike. The crowd erupted again, rallying behind the Yoshida Sisters as Kana seized the opportunity, hitting Mordokrov with a barrage of high-speed kicks aimed at his legs and midsection, trying to bring him down. But despite her best efforts, Mordokrov absorbed the punishment, his massive frame refusing to buckle under the onslaught. With a growl of frustration, Kana went for a powerful roundhouse kick, aiming for Mordokrov’s head. But the veteran fighter saw it coming and caught her leg mid-air, twisting her around before lifting her up in a spinning crucifix toss—his signature move, the Tsar Bomba.

Scott Slade: Oh no! He’s going for the Tsar Bomba! This could be it!

Holly Hudson: If he hits this, it’s over!

Chris Rodgers: He’s about to send Kana into orbit!

With a powerful spin, Mordokrov tossed Kana across the ring, her body crashing hard into the mat. The crowd winced as the impact echoed through the arena, and Kana lay motionless for a moment, completely overwhelmed by the sheer force of the move. Mordokrov stood over her, his cold eyes scanning the crowd, enjoying their dismay. Slowly, he turned toward his corner, extending his hand toward Svetlana Kazakova, who had been watching the carnage with a satisfied smirk. She tagged herself in, stepping through the ropes as the Tokyo Dome filled with boos.

Scott Slade: The Tsar’s Tormentors are in complete control! Kana and Yui have to find a way to turn this around, or this match is over!

Holly Hudson: Svetlana’s back in the ring now, and you know she’s going to pick up right where Mordokrov left off.

Chris Rodgers: This is a masterclass in domination. The Tsar’s Tormentors are sending a message to the entire tag division tonight.

Svetlana walked over to Kana’s prone body, lifting her by the hair and setting her up for more punishment as the crowd, sensing the urgency, began to chant even louder for the Yoshida Sisters. As Svetlana Kazakova yanked Kana Yoshida up by the hair, the Tokyo Dome buzzed with tension, the fans still hoping for a miraculous comeback, but their collective optimism was beginning to wane. Kana, battered and bruised, struggled to stand on her shaky legs, her face contorted in pain. The atmosphere was thick with suspense as the Tsar’s Tormentors had taken complete control of the match, their ruthless tactics overwhelming the fan-favorite Yoshida Sisters.

Svetlana sneered, gripping Kana by the arm before delivering a powerful Russian legsweep, slamming Kana’s back hard into the mat once again. The ring shook with the impact, and the crowd groaned, the excitement in their chants turning to anxious murmurs.

Scott Slade: This doesn’t look good for Kana. She’s taken an immense amount of punishment from both Svetlana and Mordokrov.

Holly Hudson: The Yoshida Sisters are fighters, but I’m not sure even they can recover from the onslaught we’ve seen tonight.

Chris Rodgers: Let’s face it—they’ve been outmatched since Mordokrov stepped in. It’s only a matter of time now!

Svetlana rose to her feet, exuding pure confidence as she glanced over at Yui Yoshida, who was pacing on the apron, desperation written all over her face. Yui screamed for Kana to make the tag, but Svetlana had no intention of allowing that to happen. She stalked over to Kana with methodical precision, gripping her arm once again, and pulling her back to her feet. Kana, groggy but fueled by sheer instinct, tried to fight back with a forearm smash to Svetlana’s jaw, but the Russian powerhouse absorbed the blow, her head snapping to the side only briefly before she responded with a brutal knee to Kana’s midsection.
Kana doubled over, gasping for air as Svetlana quickly followed up by wrapping her massive arms around Kana’s waist and hoisting her up into the air for a gutwrench powerbomb.The crowd gasped as Svetlana drove Kana’s body into the mat with sickening force, the ring shaking beneath the impact. Kana lay motionless, her body limp and her chest heaving as Svetlana stood over her, an almost sadistic grin spreading across her face. She knew she had the match in hand.

Scott Slade: Kana is in serious trouble here! She’s barely moving after that devastating gutwrench powerbomb!

Holly Hudson: The Tsar’s Tormentors have been absolutely dominant. Kana needs to make a tag or this match is over!

Chris Rodgers (chuckling): It’s already over, Holly. The only question left is how much longer the Yoshida Sisters can take this beating.

Svetlana glanced over at Mordokrov, who stood on the apron, his cold gaze never leaving the ring. He extended his hand, and Svetlana, with a nod, tagged in her partner once again. Mikhail Mordokrov, the Chernyy Kostyor, stepped into the ring with deliberate, menacing strides.

The crowd’s boos grew louder as Mordokrov approached Kana’s motionless body, grabbing her by the throat with one massive hand. He lifted her off the ground, her feet dangling as he held her up like a ragdoll. The crowd watched in horror as Mordokrov planted Kana back-first into the mat with a thunderous chokeslam, her body bouncing off the canvas from the impact.

Kana’s expression was one of pure agony, but even through the pain, she reached out weakly toward Yui, her fingertips brushing the mat as she struggled to inch closer to her sister. The Tokyo Dome erupted with chants of “Yoshida! Yoshida!,” urging Kana to make one final push, but Mordokrov would have none of it. With a sneer, Mordokrov grabbed Kana by the legs and dragged her back to the center of the ring, far away from the safety of Yui’s outstretched hand. Yui screamed in frustration, desperately trying to rally her sister, but Mordokrov had already decided the outcome.

With a cold, calculated motion, Mordokrov flipped Kana over onto her stomach, stepping over her and locking in the Gulag Lock—a brutal Rivera cloverleaf submission hold. Mordokrov bent Kana’s spine at a vicious angle, his immense strength fully on display as he wrenched the hold tighter and tighter, applying excruciating pressure.Kana cried out in agony, her hand hovering over the mat as she struggled to resist the urge to tap. The fans, seeing their hero in such pain, were on their feet, chanting her name louder than ever, but it was clear that Kana’s body had reached its limit.

Yui, unable to watch her sister suffer any longer, slipped through the ropes and dashed toward Mordokrov, hoping to break the hold. But just as Yui reached the center of the ring, Svetlana Kazakova blindsided her with a running clothesline, sending Yui crashing to the mat. The crowd booed furiously as Svetlana stood over Yui, smirking in triumph.

Kana’s body finally gave in to the unbearable pain. Her hand slapped the mat, signaling her submission, and the referee immediately called for the bell.

The crowd erupted into a mix of boos and groans, the realization that their hometown heroes had been defeated sinking in. Mordokrov released the hold, letting Kana’s limp body collapse to the mat as the referee raised his hand in victory.

Miyu Kojima’s voice echoed through the arena as she made the official announcement.

Miyu Kojima: Here are your winners, advancing to the next round of the tag team tournament… Mikhail Mordokrov and Svetlana Kazakova… the Tsar’s Tormentors!


Mordokrov and Svetlana stood tall in the center of the ring, basking in the disdain of the crowd. They exchanged cold, satisfied glances, knowing they had sent a clear message to the rest of the tag team division. As Yui crawled toward her fallen sister, checking on Kana’s condition, the Tsar’s Tormentors left the ring, their mission accomplished.


The air inside Rupert Mudcock’s office felt thicker than usual, almost heavy with an unseen weight. The sleek, modern space—filled with leather chairs, polished oak, and shelves lined with wrestling memorabilia—seemed to darken slightly as the door creaked open. Into the room strode The Sphinx, an ancient, towering figure, his movements slow and deliberate, as though each step had been calculated through the centuries. Behind him, Dollia Trypp moved with a gentle grace, her calm presence a quiet storm of its own.

Rupert, usually full of bravado and bravura, faltered for a moment. He’d dealt with every kind of wrestler in the business, but there was something unsettling about The Sphinx. He quickly pushed aside the unease and stood, forcing a smile as he gestured to the seats across from his large oak desk.


Rupert Mudcock: Sphinx, Dollia—good to see you. Please, have a seat.

The Sphinx didn’t move at first. His golden eyes seemed to survey the room, the very air around them vibrating with some ancient energy. He finally lowered himself into the chair, his towering presence somehow more imposing now that he was sitting. Dollia followed suit, her movements fluid, like water, but her gaze remained steady on Rupert.

Rupert cleared his throat, masking his discomfort with a sip from his whiskey glass. The air felt heavy, like there was more in the room than the three of them.

Rupert Mudcock: Alright, let’s get down to business. You’re the Young Blood Champion, Sphinx. You’ve got that gold for a reason. But right now, we’re at war with All Asia Pro Wrestling, and we need more than just a titleholder. We need a leader in that locker room. Someone who can unify the boys against AAPW’s invasion.

The Sphinx’s eyes narrowed slightly, his gaze like a predator studying prey. He remained silent, allowing the tension to build. When he finally spoke, his voice was low and deep, each word laced with centuries of knowledge and danger.

The Sphinx: Unity is the dream of the weak. Power... power is eternal.

Rupert blinked, clearly thrown by the cryptic response. He set down his whiskey and tried to hide his growing unease with a forced chuckle.

Rupert Mudcock: Right, power. I get that. Power is ultimate no one understands that better than Rupert Mudcock. But, uh, see, what we need right now is someone who can rally the troops, if you know what I mean. Get the guys focused, keep them in line. With AAPW knocking on our door, we can’t afford chaos.

The Sphinx leaned forward slightly, his lips curling into a faint, unsettling smile.

The Sphinx: Chaos is the natural state of things, Mudcock. Empires are born in it. Leaders crumble under it. I have seen nations rise and fall, kings turned to dust beneath the sands of time. Your invaders... they will meet the same fate. They will bow before me, or they will be swept aside.

Rupert’s hand twitched toward his glass, but he stopped himself, forcing his face into something resembling authority.

Rupert Mudcock: Yeah, I’m not looking for dust or... sweeping, Sphinx. I need leadership. What happens if AAPW wins, huh? The fandom of Japan is fickle and losing them will destroy our bottom line. You understand that, right?

The Sphinx didn’t break his gaze. If anything, his eyes seemed to darken, the air around them growing colder.

The Sphinx: I do not concern myself with bottom lines or territory. Territory is for those who have not tasted eternity. What belongs to me is far greater than land or titles.

Rupert swallowed hard, glancing at Dollia for some sort of clarification. She offered a serene, almost knowing smile, her voice soft but full of authority.

Dollia Trypp: What The Sphinx means, Rupert, is that power does not bend to the will of men or the politics of wrestling. The Sphinx does not lead in the way you’re accustomed to. His leadership is through dominance, through sheer force. AAPW will soon learn what it means to provoke an entity far older, far more powerful, than they understand.

Rupert nodded slowly, though it was clear he still wasn’t entirely grasping the gravity of what was being said. The sweat was beginning to bead at his temple, his attempt to control the conversation slipping away.

Rupert Mudcock: Yeah, dominance, that’s good. But maybe a bit more... practical. You know, like, in the ring. Rallying the guys, showing them how to beat AAPW. That kind of thing.

The Sphinx tilted his head, a slight movement that made Rupert feel as though the entire room had shifted. His voice grew even darker, filled with the weight of ages.

The Sphinx: I do not rally. I do not inspire. I conquer. When the time comes, AAPW will be broken. And when they lie at my feet, begging for mercy, they will learn the price of crossing me. Ultimate Wrestling... is mine. This is not a locker room. This is my domain.

Rupert’s eyes widened as he felt the chill in the air deepen, his fingers gripping the edge of the desk as if to ground himself. Dollia, sensing the growing tension, placed a gentle hand on The Sphinx’s arm.

Dollia Trypp: Rupert, what you’re asking for—leadership in the way of men—will not come from The Sphinx. He does not operate under your rules. But what he offers you is far more valuable. AAPW will face annihilation. His strength is not in numbers, but in power. It is not fleeting. It is eternal.

Rupert tried to smile, though it was shaky at best. He leaned back in his chair, finally giving in and taking a large gulp of his whiskey.

Rupert Mudcock: Eternal, huh? That’s... that’s good, right? Eternal power, sure. But, you know, maybe just a little leadership wouldn’t hurt either.

The Sphinx rose from his seat, towering over Rupert, his presence like a shadow that consumed the entire room.

The Sphinx: You will have your victory, Mudcock. But do not mistake it for leadership. What I offer is conquest. AAPW will fall, and when they do, you will understand.

Dollia rose as well, her movements as fluid as ever. She offered Rupert a calm, almost motherly smile before turning to follow The Sphinx. Just before she exited, she looked over her shoulder, her voice a soft whisper that seemed to hang in the air long after she spoke.

Dollia Trypp: Victory is assured. But remember, Rupert... power does not ask for permission. It takes what it wants.

The door closed behind them with a soft click, leaving Rupert alone in the suffocating quiet of his office. He stared down at his now-empty glass, the room feeling colder and darker than when they had entered. He let out a long breath, shaking his head.

Rupert Mudcock: What the hell did I just get myself into...?


The energy in the Tokyo Dome was electric, with the excitement growing with each passing match. The crowd buzzed in anticipation for the upcoming tag team bout, their chants echoing off the domed ceiling. As the lights dimmed, signaling the start of the next contest, a thick fog began to creep down the entrance ramp, setting the stage for a clash of epic proportions.

Miyu Kojima, standing poised in the center of the ring, raised her microphone, her voice piercing through the rumbling crowd.

Miyu Kojima: The following contest is a second-round tag team match! Introducing first, at a combined weight of 810 pounds, accompanied by their manager, the legendary sumo stablemaster, Risako Tomozuna, and their stablemate, the infamous LuLu Biggs, representing the unstoppable might of the Tomozuna Sumo Stable—THE TERRACOTTA TITANS!

The arena shook as the thunderous beats of "Roar of the Dragon" by Liang Zhang echoed throughout the Dome. Emerging from the fog like mythical figures brought to life were Sun Hao, 'The Red Wall,' and Zhou Kai, 'The Sumo Tsunami.' Their towering frames seemed to defy logic as they moved with the calm confidence of warriors who had seen countless battles. Their sheer size, combined with their stoic expressions, sent a wave of awe rippling through the crowd.

But they weren’t alone. Walking just behind them was Risako Tomozuna, their revered manager and mentor, his presence commanding respect with every step. Dressed in traditional sumo attire, Tomozuna embodied a sense of discipline and honor, his sharp eyes scanning the crowd and the ring like a general surveying a battlefield. Despite his calm demeanor, the intensity in his gaze was unmistakable—he was here to guide his warriors to victory.

And flanking them all was the unmistakable figure of LuLu Biggs, a massive, hulking figure who dwarfed even the Titans themselves. His flamboyant, larger-than-life presence contrasted sharply with the stoic calm of Tomozuna and the focused intensity of the Titans as puffed on a large cigar. Dressed in his flashy green suit, LuLu sauntered down the ramp, grinning as he soaked in the crowd's reaction. Despite his injury at the hands of the Yakuza and his arm being in a sling, LuLu exuded an air of unpredictability, always on the edge of chaos.

The fans roared as the Titans and their entourage made their way to the ring, the combination of power, tradition, and unpredictability creating a unique spectacle. Zhou Kai and Sun Hao stepped into the ring with a synchronized grace, belying their immense size. They looked like immovable objects—an impenetrable fortress ready to crush any who dared stand against them.

Risako Tomozuna took his place at ringside, his eyes never leaving his protégés, while LuLu leaned against the barricade, exchanging taunts and jokes with fans, a cocky grin never leaving his face. The Titans stood tall, their focus entirely on the battle ahead, waiting for the moment when they could unleash their full power.

But the moment of calm was short-lived. Suddenly, the arena plunged into darkness, the only light coming from the flickering entrance ramp. A sinister melody began to play—"Shadow's Fall" by Dark Omen. The tone of the arena shifted instantly, from excitement to an eerie unease.

Miyu Kojima’s voice, though calm, carried an undercurrent of tension as she announced their opponents.

Miyu Kojima: And their opponents, at a combined weight of 375 pounds, the team of 'The Sinister Enigma' Kazuo Oni and 'The Harbinger of Nightmares' Yume Kui Mei—THE DEVIL’S DREAMERS!

As the haunting notes of their entrance music swirled through the arena, the crowd fell silent, unsure of what to expect. From the shadows emerged Kazuo Oni, his black tattoos twisting across his face in intricate patterns. His eyes gleamed with a malevolent focus, his every movement deliberate and calculated. Behind him, Yume Kui Mei floated across the ramp, her lithe figure draped in darkness, her war-painted face giving her an almost supernatural appearance. The two moved like phantoms, their very presence chilling the air.

As the Dreamers made their way to the ring, the contrast between the two teams became even more apparent. On one side, the Terracotta Titans—massive, immovable, and rooted in the traditions of sumo and discipline. On the other, the Devil’s Dreamers—agile, unpredictable, and shrouded in darkness and mystery.

Kazuo Oni slid into the ring with a serpentine grace, his dark eyes locking onto Zhou Kai and Sun Hao. Yume Kui Mei followed suit, her steps barely making a sound as she took her place beside her partner. The eerie lights flickered once more, casting strange shadows across the ring, as the Dreamers stood in stark contrast to the Titans.

The referee stepped forward, laying out the rules, but his words were drowned out by the sheer intensity in the air. Risako Tomozuna stood tall at ringside, his face a mask of focus as he watched the Dreamers with a sharp, tactical eye. LuLu Biggs, meanwhile, cracked his knuckles, his mischievous grin widening as he watched the impending chaos unfold. With a sharp motion, the referee signaled for the bell, the sound ringing out across the Tokyo Dome and officially starting the match.

The bell rang, and the tension inside the Tokyo Dome was almost tangible. The crowd leaned forward in anticipation as Kazuo Oni squared off against Sun Hao. The contrast between the two was immediately noticeable. Oni, dark and enigmatic, bounced lightly on his feet, while Sun Hao, the immovable object, stood tall and unwavering.

Scott Slade: And we are underway, folks! This clash is one for the ages. On one side, we have the towering might of Sun Hao and Zhou Kai, representing the disciplined world of sumo, and on the other, Kazuo Oni and Yume Kui Mei, a pair who specialize in chaos and mind games.

Holly Hudson: This is a true contrast in styles, Scott. The Terracotta Titans rely on sheer strength, using their size and power to overwhelm their opponents. But Kazuo and Yume? They're more elusive, relying on cunning, agility, and as we've seen in the past, not being afraid to bend the rules.

Chris Rodgers: Bend the rules? Let's call it what it is, Holly—they break the rules and laugh while they do it. But I’ll tell you what, they’ll have to be at their very best to get past Sun Hao tonight. That man is built like a fortress.

As Sun Hao and Kazuo Oni circled each other, the crowd buzzed with anticipation. Kazuo darted in first, trying to use his speed to avoid getting locked into a grappling situation with the sumo wrestler. He landed a quick low kick to the side of Sun Hao’s leg, followed by a series of sharp, methodical strikes aimed at the larger man's ribs.

Scott Slade: Kazuo starting off with those fast strikes, trying to chop down the much larger Sun Hao.

Holly Hudson: He's smart, going for the legs and ribs early. If he can slow Sun Hao down, this might swing in his favor.

Chris Rodgers: Good luck. That’s like chopping down a redwood tree with a butter knife.

Sun Hao shrugged off the initial assault like it was nothing, glaring down at Kazuo with an expression of pure disdain. As Kazuo came in for another strike, Sun Hao grabbed him by the shoulders and tossed him halfway across the ring with a thunderous belly-to-belly suplex. Kazuo hit the mat hard, and the crowd erupted in cheers.

Scott Slade: Wow! Look at the power of Sun Hao! He just threw Kazuo like a ragdoll!

Chris Rodgers: That's what I’m talking about! The Devil's Dreamers might be crafty, but there’s no substitute for raw power like that.

Kazuo rolled to the corner, his eyes widening as he realized he’d need a new strategy. But before he could even collect his thoughts, Sun Hao was on him again. The giant sumo wrestler charged into the corner, his massive frame slamming into Kazuo with the force of a freight train. Kazuo crumpled to the mat as Sun Hao took a step back, surveying the damage.

Holly Hudson: That’s the Mandarin Maul! Sun Hao is absolutely dominating here, and Kazuo might be in trouble already!

Scott Slade: And you can see the strategy of the Terracotta Titans in action—they isolate their opponents, use their power, and keep the pressure on. Kazuo's in a bad spot right now.

Kazuo Oni, however, wasn't down for long. He was known for his resilience, and despite the pain radiating through his body, he rolled out of the corner, trying to create some distance. Sun Hao, with slow, deliberate steps, followed him across the ring. Kazuo, eyes darting for an opening, suddenly lunged forward, delivering a sharp kick to Sun Hao’s knee, buckling the big man slightly. Without hesitation, Kazuo sprang to the top rope and launched himself at Sun Hao with a flying knee aimed squarely at his opponent’s head.

Holly Hudson: Oni with a huge flying knee! He’s not backing down!

But Sun Hao caught Kazuo in midair, his massive arms wrapping around Oni's torso. With a roar, Sun Hao spun around and slammed Oni into the mat with a spine-jarring powerbomb that left the crowd gasping in shock. The ring shook from the impact.

Chris Rodgers: Oh! Forget about it! That’s gotta be it for Kazuo! He might be seeing stars right now.

Scott Slade: What a reversal from Sun Hao! The sheer power behind that powerbomb was unbelievable.

Holly Hudson: Kazuo's in serious trouble now. If he doesn’t get out of there soon, this match could be over before it’s really begun.

With Kazuo laid out, Sun Hao grabbed him by the arm and dragged him toward the center of the ring, signaling to Zhou Kai that it was time to finish this. The crowd roared as Sun Hao tagged in Zhou, and the massive Sumo Tsunami stepped over the ropes, his eyes locked on Kazuo.

Scott Slade: Here comes Zhou Kai! The Titans are about to bring their full power to bear on Kazuo Oni.

Chris Rodgers: Zhou’s not known for showing mercy. Kazuo better pray he’s got a trick up his sleeve because Zhou’s about to squash him like a bug.

Zhou grabbed Kazuo by the throat, lifting him off the ground with terrifying ease. But just as Zhou was about to deliver a devastating chokeslam, Kazuo spat a stream of black mist into Zhou’s eyes—The Hell's Bile. The mist caused immediate burning, and Zhou stumbled back, clutching his face, roaring in pain. The referee missed it entirely as Kazuo wiped the evidence from his lips, playing innocent.

Holly Hudson: That’s disgusting! Kazuo just blinded Zhou with that black mist! How is the referee not seeing this?

Chris Rodgers laughed, shaking his head.

Chris Rodgers: The referee’s blind as a bat, Holly! Kazuo’s a master at playing dirty, and now he’s turned the tide of this match!

Kazuo didn’t waste a moment. He dove to his corner and tagged in Yume Kui Mei, who jumped over the ropes with grace and precision. She darted toward the blinded Zhou, delivering a series of quick strikes to his legs and torso. Zhou, still trying to wipe the mist from his eyes, swung wildly but couldn’t connect with anything.

Scott Slade: Yume Kui Mei is like a whirlwind right now! She’s targeting Zhou's weakened legs and using her speed to keep him off balance!

Holly Hudson: This is the danger of the Devil's Dreamers! Once they get you on the back foot, they don’t let up.

As Zhou stumbled, Yume delivered a perfectly timed crescent kick to his knee, causing the massive sumo wrestler to drop to one knee. With Zhou weakened, Yume ran to the top rope, perching there like a predator ready to pounce.

Chris Rodgers: What’s she thinking here? She’s going for something big!

Before Zhou could get back to his feet, Yume launched herself into the air, executing a perfect "Nightmare Dive"—a high-flying spiral that connected with devastating force, slamming into Zhou’s chest. The impact knocked Zhou flat on his back, and Yume quickly went for the pin.

Holly Hudson: This could be it! Yume Kui Mei with the pin!

1… 2…

But just before the referee could count three, Sun Hao charged into the ring and broke up the pin, sending Yume flying across the mat with a massive shove. The crowd erupted as Sun Hao stood over his fallen partner, ready to dish out retribution.

Scott Slade: Sun Hao with the save! This match isn’t over yet!

Holly Hudson: He does that again and they will be disqualified from this match.

Chris Rodgers: Look at the size of Sun Hao! He’s like a wall of muscle, and now he’s angry. Yume and Kazuo better watch out!

The crowd roared as Sun Hao, looming over the ring like a towering force of nature, glared down at Yume Kui Mei, who slowly picked herself up after being shoved across the ring. Zhou Kai lay on the mat, still reeling from the Nightmare Dive, but Yume knew she had to act fast. She darted toward Sun Hao, attempting a quick strike to the legs, but he swatted her away with ease, like a fly.

Scott Slade: Sun Hao is not in the mood for games. Yume Kui Mei is in serious trouble now!

Holly Hudson: This is the power that the Terracotta Titans bring to every match. They can turn the tide in an instant.

Chris Rodgers: And turn it they did, but you have to wonder how much longer Zhou Kai can stay down after that mist attack. He’s still blinded!

Sun Hao, clearly furious, pulled Yume up by her arm, lifting her clean off the mat with one hand. The size difference between the two was stark, and the crowd gasped as Sun Hao tossed Yume like a ragdoll into the corner turnbuckles. She crumpled upon impact, but Kazuo Oni, always watching, saw his opportunity.

With Zhou still struggling to recover, Kazuo slid into the ring once again—this time, the referee’s back turned as he dealt with the chaos from Sun Hao's interference. Kazuo, with precision timing, landed a brutal kick to Sun Hao’s ribs, causing the giant to stagger backward. Yume, sensing the momentum shift, crawled to her feet and leapt up, using the ropes to springboard off and connect with a spinning back elbow that caught Sun Hao right in the jaw.

Scott Slade: Incredible teamwork from the Devil’s Dreamers! Oni and Yume are doing everything they can to keep this beast at bay!

Holly Hudson: That elbow connected hard, but how long can they hold off Sun Hao?

Sun Hao, dazed from the combination of attacks, stumbled toward the ropes. Yume and Kazuo exchanged a quick glance before Yume ran toward her partner and launched herself off his back, aiming another flying kick at Sun Hao’s chest. This time, the big man was knocked against the ropes, almost falling over, but he held his ground. The crowd was on their feet, waiting to see if the Titans would crumble.

Yume wasn’t done. She backed up, preparing for another attack, but as she sprinted forward, Zhou Kai, still partially blinded, reached out from the mat and grabbed her ankle, tripping her. Yume fell face-first into the canvas, the momentum crashing to a halt in an instant.

Chris Rodgers: There it is! Zhou Kai may be blinded, but he’s still got that ring awareness! This is why the Titans are so dangerous!

Scott Slade: Absolutely, Chris. Even when they’re down, they find ways to fight back.

Kazuo Oni, seeing his partner in trouble, charged forward, but Sun Hao roared back to life. With a burst of energy, he clotheslined Kazuo so hard that the “Sinister Enigma” flipped head over heels, crashing to the mat with thunderous force. The crowd erupted as Sun Hao flexed his massive arms, signaling that the end was near.

Holly Hudson: What a clothesline! Kazuo Oni looks like he’s been knocked into another dimension!

Yume, still dazed, crawled toward the ropes, trying to pull herself up, but Zhou Kai was back on his feet, wiping the remnants of the mist from his eyes. He towered over Yume as she struggled to stand, his expression now one of pure fury.

With both Titans back in control, the momentum had swung fully in their favor once again. Zhou Kai grabbed Yume by the waist, lifting her up for a devastating German suplex. The crowd gasped as Yume’s body folded upon impact, her limbs sprawled across the canvas.

Chris Rodgers: Yume Kui Mei might be done after that! The Titans are showing no mercy now.

Scott Slade: The Devil’s Dreamers had their moment, but it’s slipping away fast. The Terracotta Titans are relentless once they get going.

Zhou Kai stomped toward the corner where Kazuo Oni lay, grabbing him by the hair and dragging him to the center of the ring. He then hoisted Kazuo into the air in a show of pure power, setting him up for a spine-shattering Terracotta Takeover.

But just as he prepared to slam Kazuo down, Yume, from seemingly out of nowhere, delivered a vicious low blow to Zhou's testicals, forcing the big man to drop his grip. The referee, distracted by Sun Hao and Kazuo's earlier collision, didn’t see the illegal strike. The big man dropped to his knees holding his groin area with his face beat-red as screamed bloody murder.

Holly Hudson: Oh, come on! Yume with the desperation move, and the referee didn’t even see it!

Chris Rodgers: She’s playing dirty, but you have to admit—it’s smart. What else are they going to do against these monsters?

With Zhou down on one knee, Yume staggered toward Kazuo, tagging him in as the referee regained control. Kazuo, looking to capitalize on the situation, moved in quickly, eyeing Zhou as his prime target.

Scott Slade: It’s unreal how much punishment the Titans are enduring here! They’ve been blinded, cheap-shotted, and yet they keep kicking out!

Holly Hudson: This is the kind of resilience we’ve come to expect from Sun Hao and Zhou Kai, Scott.

Chris Rodgers: I don’t care how resilient you are, a shot to nuts is a shot to the nuts. Jesus H. Christ… someone get Referee Bob Sigro to an eye doctor!

Kazuo Oni grabbed a handful of Sun Hao’s hair as the referee turned his back to check on Zhou Kai, and Yume Kui Mei sneaked a steel chair into the corner of the ring. The crowd roared in disapproval as Kazuo signaled to Yume to use the chair. But just before Yume could strike, LuLu Biggs, despite his serious arm injury, shouted from ringside, causing Yume to pause. Risako Tomozuna, ever the strategist, called for the referee’s attention, warning him about the incoming interference. This brief hesitation gave Sun Hao a window of opportunity to counter.

Scott Slade: The sumo stable’s strategy is coming into play! Tomozuna is keeping the referee’s attention while LuLu is causing just enough of a distraction!

Summoning his strength, Sun Hao managed to reverse Kazuo’s hold, launching the Sinister Enigma into the steel chair that Yume had set up. The impact left Kazuo Oni crumpled in the corner, and the crowd erupted in cheers as Sun Hao made the hot tag to Zhou Kai. Zhou Kai stormed into the ring, his massive frame charging like a locomotive. He smashed into Yume Kui Mei with a Harbin Hurricane, sending her flying across the ring. The tide had turned, and the Terracotta Titans were back in control.

Holly Hudson: The Titans are back in this! Zhou Kai just flattened Yume Kui Mei!

Chris Rodgers: And look at Kazuo! He’s out cold in the corner after hitting that steel chair!

Zhou Kai, still reeling from the earlier mist attack, powered through his disorientation and grabbed Yume, preparing to deliver a devastating Super Sumo Splash. The Tokyo crowd roared in anticipation as Zhou climbed to the second rope.

But before Zhou could deliver the finishing blow, Kazuo Oni regained his senses and, in a last-ditch effort, lunged at the ropes, causing Zhou to lose his balance and crash down hard on the mat. Kazuo tagged Yume back in, and the Dreamers’ final play began to unfold. As Zhou struggled to get to his feet, Yume took advantage of the moment. She reached deep within her devious arsenal and unleashed her secret weapon—the Psycho Bile—, a sinister purple mist. With a swift motion, she sprayed the mist directly into Zhou Kai’s face.

Zhou Kai immediately recoiled, clutching his eyes as the hallucinogenic effects of the purple mist took hold. The towering sumo staggered around the ring, swinging wildly at invisible enemies as the mist’s effects scrambled his senses.

Scott Slade: Yume Kui Mei has just unleashed that purple mist! Zhou Kai is completely disoriented! He doesn’t know where he is!

Holly Hudson: I think that purple mist is causing him to see things! This is absolute chaos in the ring!

Chris Rodgers: We saw this with VIktor Zolvred and Alexandra Zennon when they faced off against Yume. This might be the opening the Dreamers need to steal this match!

With Zhou incapacitated by fear and hallucinations, Yume Kui Mei and Kazuo Oni executed their final plan. Kazuo, now the legal man, dragged the dazed Sun Hao back into the ring and hoisted him up for his Dark Descent finisher. Yume, still perched on the top rope, timed it perfectly—she leaped into the air with her Eclipse End, smashing into Sun Hao’s chest at the same moment Kazuo drove him into the mat with the Dark Descent.

The crowd gasped as the Titans’ toughest warrior was laid out in the center of the ring.

Scott Slade: The Devil’s Dreamers with a devastating combination! Can Sun Hao recover from that?!

Kazuo Oni quickly went for the cover. The referee, still reeling from the chaos, dropped down for the count.

Referee: One! Two!

Despite his partner’s best efforts, Zhou Kai, lost in his hallucinations, was too disoriented to break up the pin.

Referee: Three!

The bell rang, and the Devil’s Dreamers had somehow managed to steal the victory in one of the most chaotic matches the Tokyo Dome had ever witnessed. The crowd’s reaction was mixed—boos for the Dreamers’ tactics, but awe at the fact they’d managed to topple the seemingly invincible Titans.

Scott Slade: I can’t believe it! The Devil’s Dreamers have stolen this match after a barrage of dirty tactics!

Holly Hudson: The Titans fought hard, but with all the cheating, mist, and underhanded moves, it was too much to overcome!

Chris Rodgers: You’ve got to hand it to the Dreamers, though. They pulled every trick they could, and it worked. Love them or hate them, they just beat one of the toughest teams in Ultimate Wrestling.


As Kazuo Oni and Yume Kui Mei celebrated their victory, their sinister grins showed no remorse for the chaos they’d unleashed. LuLu Biggs, his injured arm still in a sling, watched on with fury in his eyes, plotting revenge for his fallen teammates.

The Devil's Dreamers had solidified their reputation as the ultimate rule-breakers, and the Terracotta Titans—despite their raw power—had been undone by the cunning and dark arts of their opponents.

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