MATURE, TIRANO USURPADOR! Neither Venezuelan, nor Chavista, nor Socialist nor Labor ... a vulgar thief

MATURE, TIRANO USURPADOR! Neither Venezuelan, nor Chavista, nor Socialist nor Labor ... a vulgar thief
Rubén González unveils an enigma, confirms an intuition

Rubén González, a union leader of Ferrominera, today suffers from incomprehensible imprisonment. It is not known precisely why he is imprisoned, what he is accused of, he becomes one of the already long list of political prisoners without cause, without trial and even without visitation, without sun. But, what is the importance of Rubén's prison? The prison of Rubén González marks a milestone in the actions of the government. Let's see.

The government is publicized as a workers government, and the president as a worker president, that is its flagship label, its ideological clothing. Now, in recent days the country is shocked by protests by workers, from the professional health guilds to the workers of an inter-union worker, through education, universities, PDVSA. They speak of the loss of profits gained in years of struggle, of collective contracts violated, of brutal loss of their right to a dignified life. The labor minister battles hard trying to explain the situation, takes steps for the sides, backwards, but the government has a credibility close to zero. The situation escalates into a national conflict of great significance, there are those who speak of a general strike.

In this environment, the government that describes itself as a "worker", as well as before it described itself as "son of Chávez", attacks the workers' leadership, brutally takes a union leader (now does not matter the name), handcuffs and vexes him , they mistreat him. The repressive attitude of the supposed workers government against the workers appears, not a discussion, nor a table of agreement, on the contrary, repression, intimidation. With this prison - there are many more, Rubén himself denounces seven prisoners of his company - the government is separated from the workers, from the workers.

So, we can say that this government is not Chavista, it is not Socialist and it is not workerist. Is that all three qualifications are part of the same reality. To be a Chavista is to be a socialist and to be a worker, you can not be a worker without being a Chavista and a socialist. When this government betrayed Chávez, when he liquidated the Plan of the Nation, when he threw himself into the clutches of the capitalists he was betraying the workers, it was a matter of time before he attacked them and protected the capital, and it was a matter of time before suppress the repression.

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