blog + exercise routine + recipe

Hello lovely community! Today I will tell you a little about my day, I woke up early and went out with a group of friends and we were having a good walk and I began to think how important it is to exercise. As it helps to have good health and prevent diseases.

º Benefits

Improve physical endurance
Increase tone and muscle mass
Improves flexibility, self-esteem, self-image among other things

If you do not have time or the way to go to a gym, be it for work, chores, transport or X, why I will leave you an easy and quick exercise routine so you do not have excuses and so you can exercise.

1.- Start doing cardio for 5 to 10 minutes is perfect, you can do as you like, walking, jogging, jumping rope ... And remember to listen to your favorite song!

2.-This hiit training takes less than 4 minutes and works several muscles.

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After doing this routine, do 5 or 10 more minutes of cardio to finish, and remember to hydrate a lot and eat healthy. Here below I will leave you a recipe! Super easy to do!

ºSalad of apple, lettuce and carrot


1 large carrot, peeled and grated
1 red palm peeled and diced
8 fresh lettuce leaves
1 tablespoon red onion, finite cut
1/2 container of natural Greek yogurt
1 teaspoon mustard
1 teaspoon of sugar
A few drops of vinegar
1/4 lemon
Salt to taste

1-. Add a splash of lemon juice to apples already peeled and cut so they do not take a dark color.
2.- In a bowl, mix the carrot, lettuce, apple and red onion.
3-. For the dressing mix yogurt with mustard, vinegar and sugar.
4.- Mix the vegetables with the dressing and salt to taste.


This is what goes of my day, I hope you have liked and try these tips that I shared with you today. Later I will publish another thing !! Kissees

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