!!!Hot Dogs Venezuelan Style!!!

Hot Dogs Venezuelan Style

Although hot dog recipes are very American, they are very popular in Latin America. In Venezuela the famous "hot dogs" are sold on the street and enjoyed at any time of day. I'm sure everyone in the house will love this combination of flavors. It's summertime and this time of year we enjoy the outdoors a lot, so prepare these classic Venezuelan-style hot dogs for a picnic in the park or to enjoy when you meet friends and family at the pool.

Preparation: 15 minutes

Total time: 25 minutes

Yields 10 servings


1 Pack of 10 sausages

10 hot dog rolls

1 white onion, finely chopped

1/2 package (14 oz.) coleslaw blend

1/4 cup mayonnaise

1/4 cup ketchup and mustard


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