Cindy's Egg-ceptional Eggnog

imagephoto courtesy of SCHULTHEISS Wohnblog

I'm not going to write a big long post about the greatness or the history off eggnog. There are plenty of other blogs on the world wide web with all that info. So let's get right down to the recipe! I'll also post some tweaks for those who are low carb.

Cindy's Egg-ceptional Eggnog

2​ ​pints​ ​Raw​ ​Cream
4​ ​Pastured ​Eggs
¼​ ​cup​ ​Raw​ ​Honey
1​ ​½​ ​tsp​ ​Vanilla
½​​ ​tsp​ ​Himalayan​ ​Salt
½​ ​tsp​ ​Nutmeg

Blend everything in a blender and enjoy!

Now, for those who do not have raw cream, pastured eggs, raw honey or Himalayan salt, no worries, you can make this with any similar store-bought ingredients, it just won't have as high nutritional value. Here are some alternate suggestions if you cannot find or do not have access to these things:

  • Heavy whipping cream, almond or other milk, combination of both
  • Any eggs from store or carton of eggs
  • Any honey or alternative sweetener
  • Sea salt or other mineral salt, or any salt will work

This recipe just doesn't taste the same if you make it lower in fat (almond milk), although it's an option and isn't horrible, but it is very easy to maintain the flavor and health properties while making it low carb! Simply use an alternative sweetener to taste. My favorites are Truvia (not the baking blend because it has sucralose in it), Pyure, erythritol and/or stevia (which is what Truvia and Pyure are). Start with have the amount and sweeten a little at a time until you attain the desired sweetness.

Enjoy! And I hope you all have a safe and happy holiday season!

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