The Past Stings

Katrielle Hale wouldn't be able to explain it if she was asked. Why it was she spent so much time reading the posts and podcasts Morgan Decker did. Or more specifically the bits where he brought her name up. For over a year there hadn't been a week in which Decker hadn't mentioned her in one way or another. She might justify it to herself as being prepared for any question to pop up in a interview or maybe out on the street, but the truth probably had more to do with the fact that it served as a twisted motivation. She'd hear or read everything he said, scroll by comment after comment that agreed. Decker had too many followers, but routinely there would be a hundred plus comments of his fans dragging her through the mud with him. All these people who had never met her, much less spent the time to watch her ring work but perfectly fine giving in depth details about her talent. They'd call her every bad name in the book and then some. All the while Kat's temper began to simmer and boil, going through the routine every Monday morning like clockwork to motivate herself to keep getting better. She even had a picture of Decker's face tapped over a punching bag at the studio.

"I don't know which is sadder." Trelisa's honey sweet French accent sounded. "Zat he still obsesses over you, or zat you obsess back" She mused, taking her seat next to Kat on the couch with a cup of something that was no doubt Italian sounding. Trelisa never settled for coffee. She had a personal machine that pumped out cappuccinos, espresso, macchiatos. Whatever she was feeling like that morning. This one had a strong scent of cinnamon and maybe a little too much whipped cream.

"I don't obsess." Katrielle sulked back towards Trelisa. "I just like to stay informed." She settled on folding her arms and nodding. That was basically what she was telling herself anyway. It was good to know exactly what accusations might be coming her way. The motivation was good fuel as well. Made sure she stayed in the gym.

"Ooh, and is zis commentary new?" Trelisa asked raising a fine golden eyebrow while sipping at her drink. Carefully avoiding leaving any cream on her nose as she did so. "Perhaps he's found new material beyond calling you a amateur, or a whore who uses her body to get advantages and contracts, or maybe he's stopped expressing your success is only because of the people you surround yourself with?"

Katrielle rolled her eyes, and tried not to smile at the teasing. "Well this week, he's using Lexi's loss as proof I'm not cut out because Lexi carries me and-" She started to explain but stopped short when Trelisa held up her hand to silence her.

"I'm sure it was a ballad ze bards would weep at." Trelisa sighed and the disinterest was very clear and evident in her voice as she spoke. Trelisa was finished with the topic. She didn't need to hear the full story, and Kat had to admit that her friend and mentor probably had a point. It really had all been done before. She could always go back to it later if she felt her motivation slipping.

"Well it's good motivation to go kick some ass." Kat muttered pouting as she spoke.

"Ah Ma'Petite, do you need reason to motivate yourself? Is your won success for yourself not enough?" Trelisa asked with a gentle laugh, resting her hand on the top of Kat's head. "Forget him, zat will do more damage than anyzing else you could do."

"Easy for you to say, he isn't trash talking you ever week." Kat grumbled.

"It is, as easy as turning my attention to a woman worth focusing on." Trelisa replied with a nod, and grabbing the remote would turn on the television. Continuing to review Kat's next singles opponent. Eun-Young Han. It wasn't new, Kat had done nothing since coming to Ultimate Wrestling but review Eun-Young. Though their first matchup had been in a tag-team environment. Now, Trelisa was making sure Kat was as prepared as possible for a singles match. Kat was pretty now pretty sure if you put an exam in front of her about Eun's history, she'd probably ace it. But, that was Trelisa's style, that old Sun Tzu quote of knowing thy enemy and what not. So long as Trelisa was acting a manager and mentor Kat would never have the excuse of not being prepared.

Kat sighed and turned her attention back to the tape. She'd already shared a ring with her opponent and knew that Eun was no joke, and this time if Kat slipped up and was exposed she wouldn't be able to tag Lexi in and get a breather, and the tape showed there were plenty of people who made mistakes against Eun and didn't recover to claim a win. Kat would grab the nearby pen pad and begin to jot the kind of notes she knew Trelisa preferred. Paying attention to set ups for moves, or what kind of follow ups Eun often used after landing a good blow. Just in case after having her brain rattled in her skull Kat could get it together quick enough to intercept Eun and turn momentum back to her favor.

"Do we have a new gameplan?" Kat whispered as she turned her focus back to the screen.

"We'll have to plan a new surprise or two, you no longer have the element of surprise with her." Trelisa nodded. "But ze principal remains the same. She is faster and you don't want to stand and trade fists like you're in a octacon."

"Yeah I remember..." Kat frowned, remembering how heavy a fight it had been the last time she'd been in the same ring as her opponent.

"Zis time, I believe you should focus on a leg." Trelisa said, sapphire eyes turned forward. "Slowing her down will help, but in truth we want to take away zat kick. If she can't plant her leg proper it'll lose force. Odds go she doesn't get all of your chin, or you survive the force she's able to connect."

Kat nodded, that had always been Trelisa's style in the ring. Focus on the strength of her opponent and work to make it into a weakness. Even before her injury Trelisa was a tactician, and it was her mind that was arguably her most dangerous attribute. It wasn't to say Trelisa had ever been a slouch in the ring. In fact Kat believed firmly of the three members that made up The Midnight Society, Trelisa would be the best of them if healthy. But having seen the benefit of her gameplans, it was hard not to admire and envy the big brain the french beauty possessed.

"What wrinkles do you have in mind?" Kat asked, turning her eyes from the screen to her mentor.

Trelisa considered Kat for a moment, then with a nod gestured for Kat to follow her. They would move to a small practice ring that Trelisa used for training at the loft. It wasn't big enough to simulate a real match. But Trelisa used it to work on techniques and moves. It beat the hell out of being tossed onto the wooden floor, and saved time from having to go all the way to a gym just for a move. Trelisa would tie her hair into a ponytail and then slip into the ring with Kat turning to regard her. "It'll take time you don't have to master, but I believe ze Unlucky 13 could be very effective in your matchup." Trelisa explained beckoning for Kat to follow her into the ring.

"But that is your signature." Kat frowned standing outside of the ring.

"And I am loaning it to you, as I am lending you my experience and talent." Trelisa shrugged as usual dismissing Kat's worries and reservations like the answer was obvious and not worth dwelling on. "You won't have it if you can't learn it." Trelisa added, gesturing again for Katrielle to step into the ring.

Kat moved into the ring and the two would begin to go over the technique. Trelisa used a training dummy first to show Kat how she needed to position her opponent and where Kat's own legs would serve to put the pressure on. As they worked through the sequence, Kat had to admit that the move looked far easier than it actually was. There were a lot of angles involved and needed more than just the legs, but her hips and core muscles to get the timing down. She also couldn't forget about the positioning. Minutes ticked into hours as Trelisa took the time to break the move down. The dummy wasn't the softest thing and there were more than a few times that Kat had to shake the pain from her arms and shoulders after missing her mark and slamming them into the unyielding rubber of the dummy, but eventually Kat had the basics down.

"Good, we'll keep at it until it's time to get in the ring. I zink you should have enough control to use it if ze opportunity arises." Trelisa nodded, before she'd settler herself to lay in the ring. "However, you need to see how it feels on a real opponent." She said once more beckoning the young wrestler forward. Right away Kat could see she was suggesting Kat do it Trelisa herself.

Kat shook her head quickly, "not a chance Trelisa." She said with a little distress. "You're knee is hurt, I couldn't-"

"I intend to return to the ring sooner or later, Ma'Petite." Trelisa corrected her, rolling her eyes and letting out a huff. "I am not so fragile as you pretend and if Eun is the first time you use it on a human it will fail."

Katrielle wanted to argue, sure Trelisa may not be fragile and she knew the veteran wanted to get back into the ring. Longed for it, and felt handicapped being forced to do nothing but support Kat and Lexi. But wasn't the kind of thing that could add more time to it? Yet, as Kat regarded Trelisa, she recognized it was a matter of pride for her. Refusing her, treating Trelisa like she was broken would probably be a greater offense than any injury she might receive. Would hurt the woman in a way Kat didn't think was worth doing. She took a breath, and finally nodded, she didn't need to hold it long... just enough to satisfy Trelisa.

"Fine, but if you feel like it is hurting you too much or anything..." Kat started as she moved to get ready, adjusting herself and making sure she was comfortable.

"Just do it, I'll tap if it is too much." Trelisa assured her, and the tone made it clear she didn't appreciate the hesitation.

Katrielle hesitated a moment longer before moving forward. Taking Trelisa's legs she proceeded to do her best to perform the move as if it were a real fight, and she could feel Trelisa's legs tensing under her arms as the move began. Katrielle tried to remember everything she'd been told about the move and make sure she did it as right as possible, not wanting to make things worse or hurt Trelisa. Soon she stepped through and using her hips forced Trelisa from her back to her stomach. She could hear Trelisa's sharp gasp and the woman's legs twitched as they were twisted up in the process.

Trelisa let out a sharp "ah" and then a hiss of pain as she was pushed to her stomach. The sudden twist in her leg had her hands shooting forward, trying to push off and away from the source of pain. Her fingers flexing and trying to curl into a fist but she didn't tap right away. It seemed as the seconds went by that Trelisa was testing her own resolve. Seeing just how much she could handle, but the pain was evident on her face, and she had turned a few shades paler as she endured. In the end it was just a few seconds before she reached down and tapped Kat's leg comfortably. "Enough." She gasped and her voice came out strained. In spite of her calm motion.

Katrielle immediately let her go and moved to help her mentor back into a seated position. "Are you okay?" She asked with a hint of worry.

Trelisa nodded her head. "I told you Kat, I am not so fragile." She said with a smile. Though beads of sweat dotted her forehead as she spoke. Her leg was bent a little closer than normal, and there was an obvious limp as she moved to stand up and out of the ring. "Alright, let's take a break. You've done wonderful Ma'Cherie." Trelisa smiled, though it was clear the move had hurt more than Trelisa cared to admit.

"Okay, I'll make a snack." Kat said, and Trelisa nodded. Kat's eyes followed Trelisa a moment, and she had to remind herself that she trusted Trelisa to know what she was capable of. She wanted to give Trelisa shoulder and sit her down. Wanted to admonish her for even putting herself through the technique, but understood it was a losing fight. Instead, she would focus on preparing a snack and drink. Letting her thoughts turn back to her upcoming match. She was determined, more so than ever. She was going to beat Eun-Young and prove to Morgan Decker he was a fool. Prove she was strong enough to walk her own path, and not need someone a team to succeed. Yeah, that was the ticket. Kat would make sure she was up to the task.

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