A Debut Conference for The Midnight Society

At last, the Midnight Society arrived for their first press conference. Brand new additions to Ultimate Online Wrestling. This event didn't even carry the kind of buzz that more established stars might have, but there were still plenty of media members in attendance. The trio elected to set up a folding table, spreading a banner with their group's logo across it. It is a simple little design of a crescent moon and two stars in the arc of it. It is colored in a brilliant cirrus blue over a silver backdrop to pop the image and letters all the more brilliantly. Underneath was the tag "The Midnight Society" and a tiny slogan at the bottom that read "Excellence Never Rests."

Midnight Society.png

A single microphone sat in the center of the table, and all three members were seated. To the right of the table was Alexandria Zenon, vibrant in color as ever. This time sporting neon green hair and a red and white checkered patterned hoodie with a black shirt under it. A playful smirk across her face as she sat back at the booth with her feet resting on the table. At a glance, she wasn't the type to take this seriously. To the Left was Katrielle Hale, wearing a dark leather jacket with the Midnight Society stipend emblazoned down her right sleeve. Her Jacket was open, showing a black t-shirt underneath with the logo on the front. She looked a little less comfortable than the other two, as if her stiff posture was trying to convey a sense of professionalism. While Alexandria just lounged about the table, looking bored.

In the center was the group's manager, Trelisa Perrault. Trelisa, never one to disappoint, was wearing an elaborate, elegant, and stylish suit that was dark purple and a black button-up shirt. With a pair of pitch-black shades, the woman had a presence that demanded attention. She had a perfect posture and a slight smile as she waited patiently for the press to settle into their seats. Of the three, Trelisa was the most poised and collected. Seeming a little out of place with her professional and flashy looks as compared not just to her companions but to the cheap logo sitting in front of her as well.

To the Left was Katrielle Hale, wearing a dark leather jacket with the Midnight Society stipend emblazoned down her right sleeve. Her Jacket was open, showing a black T-shirt underneath that had the logo on the front. She looked a little less comfortable than the other two as if her stiff posture was trying to convey a sense of professionalism, while Alexandria just lounged about the table, looking bored.

In the center was the group's manager, Trelisa Perrault. Trelisa, never one to disappoint, was wearing an elaborate, elegant, and stylish suit that was dark purple and a black button-up shirt. With a pair of pitch-black shades, the woman had a presence that demanded attention. She had a perfect posture and a slight smile as she waited patiently for the press to settle into their seats. Of the three, Trelisa was the most poised and collected. She seemed a little out of place with her professional and flashy looks as compared not just to her companions but to the cheap logo sitting in front of her.

Trelisa Perrault: Kon'nichiwa, before we get into it, I want to express my gratitude and appreciation for everyone taking the time to be here with us. To my right, having made a name for herself through unbridled chaos and anarchy in the ring. A master of the death match and a terror on the indie scene. I am pleased to introduce you to the UOW Alexandria Zenon, though you will come to know her simply as Lexi."

At the mention of her name, Lexi flashed a big Cheshire grin and gave the reporters in the audience a little wink and a wave. She was not bothering to kick her legs off the desk or take it more seriously than that.

Trelisa Perrault: And to my left from the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, where she learned to fly from a mile high. She is raw, wild, and untamed. I am still tapping into a fountain of potential. How should I say it? Mm, controversy. Please welcome Katrielle Hale.

Kat still looked stiff but regarded the reporters and fans in the crowd with a nod and a captivating smile that conveyed a sense of warmth and excitement.

Trelisa Perrault: Lastly, I modestly introduce myself—the manager and agent of The Midnight Society. I intend to help this team to the next level and beyond. To be the best and leave a legacy of excellence in our wake. And now that we are properly introduced. It's time we opened the platform to questions.

For a brief moment, there was a pause—a long, pregnant pause—and a silence in the air. But eventually, someone mustered the courage to break the ice, and a man with a microphone stood up and spoke.

American Reporter: Thank you, Trelisa. It's a pleasure to meet you ladies. My question for the group is: What do you hope to achieve with the Midnight Society?

Lexi finally kicked her legs off the top of the table and scooted her chair in, so she could talk into the microphone properly. She was apparently engaged now that the questions had actually started to fly.

Lexi: What anyone else hopes to achieve is excellence, hehe. Well, that and having some fun while doing it.

Trelisa: Lexi is correct. Our goals are the same as any other star. To leave a legacy. I believe you are staring at future champions, icons, and legends right here. All that remains is to put the work in.

Katrielle: I know it's big talk, but we will put in the work. We're not afraid to bleed, sweat, or even cry if that's what it takes.

There was another long pause, and another reporter stood up.

British Reporter: My question is for Kat Hale. There is quite a bit of information online about your relationship with Morgan Decker. He's been quite vocal on online forums and Twitter about your actions, alleging seduction, theft, and even blackmail. Care to comment on that?

Kat was noticeably tense now, and her smile quickly turned to a frown. It was readily obvious at this point that she had expected the topic to come up, and she'd grip the cloth of the table tight enough her knuckles turned white. Lexi, rolled her eyes, but Trelisa ever the professional stayed poised as the other two women turned their attention to the youngest member of the group.

Katrielle: I mean...Haha, that's complicated.

Kat laughed nervously before falling silent as she carefully planned her response. Obviously having expected the question, but clearly not being at all eager to talk about her history with Decker.

Katrielle: Look, I do owe a lot to Morgan. He got me my start in this industry, and I love this industry. This is my life, and all of my future success will always be tied back to my time with him. And look, I'm sure the dirt sheets would love me to spill all the tea and give my side of the story. But, if you're looking for dirt, Morgan has more than enough for the both of us. It's really simple: one of us held all the power in the relationship, and it wasn't me. When I decided to change that, well...You've read his side of the story.

British Reporter: So you admit, then, that the allegations are true?

Lexi: She's trying to play the good girl and the professional but screw that. It's a tail as old as time. Experienced guy finds the naive girl and takes control of every aspect of her life. The young girl wakes up and gets out. The girl goes from everything good to every bad name you can call her in the book. If his lips are moving, he's lying. Dude's projecting because he lost control of his cash cow.

Trelisa: Certainly, we refute Mr. Decker's claims of Katrielle's character and integrity. I would challenge you if you are interested to dig deeper. I promise you won't need to dig far.

British Reporter: What are you suggesting we'll find?

Trelisa: Ah, but that would be telling, wouldn't it? Let me be clear: Katrielle does not wish to continue to air her very personal relationship with Morgan Decker any further. As a unite the Midnight Society is not affiliated with, nor interested in Mr. Decker profiting off our Brand anymore than necessary. If he wishes to spread rumors, that is his right. But it is also our right to ignore him entirely, and I assure you that is exactly as much attention as this story deserves.

Kat looked visibly relieved when both of her partners jumped in to defend her. A warm smile returned to her face as she watched the conversation unfold. A little natural confidence took the place of what clearly had been a sore subject.

Trelisa: I believe we have time for one more question.

Japanese Reporter: Your first tag match is against Apocalypse now, the team of Eun-Young Han and Drake Nygma. A very ambitious debut. Do you believe you are ready for the task ahead?

Lexi: Ehehe, no, I like that question. Well let me put it this way, I'm actually really excited they're the first test we have in the UOW. 2016 Death Sports Winner, and on the other six foot five mountain of violence. Ooh it's going to be absolute anarchy in the ring. Yes please!

Trelisa: We respect our opponents but not daunted by the task in front of us. In fact, we offer our congratulations to the team of Apocalypse Now. You both will get to introduce the first taste of The Midnight Society. As we move forward to forge our legacies, you will always be the first step. Ze Debut. No one will remember the second or even the hundredth, but the story always has to start somewhere, and it starts with you.

Katrielle: I don't know either of them well enough to know how much they need this. But we do, I do. And we're going to give everything we have to give in the ring. We'll make a hell of a show, and then we're coming for the tag titles. Yes we expect to take our lumps, and earn every inch we climb will be paid for with blood. But it's our fight and we're not going to surrender an inch.

Lexi: And you're not just getting a pair of badass bitches that aren't afraid to hurt or get hurt, you're going up against the tactical brilliance of Trelisa. We're not just diving into this with heart, we'll have a plan of attack and be ready.

Trelisa: As you can see, we are eager to prove that we belong. UOW, Apocalypse Now, expect excellence from us. Until then, sayonara, au revoir."

With Trelisa's statement, the press conference came to an end. Each team member took a turn to speak to their fans and shake a few hands on their way out. They were giving hints into the individual character of the group, their unity, and a taste of what might be yet to come. The trio didn't rush their exit and mingled before leaving the building and pausing a few times for quick photos, autographs, and chats. It had been a modest turnout, but the trio wasn't too concerned. Every journey started with a step, often just out the front door. The important thing was they'd made their introductions. They needed to live up to their bold words if they wanted more press. Considering the challenge, it was no easy feat, but as the three exited, not a single woman doubted that they were up to it.

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