Trigger Happy Police Shoot and Kill a Scared and Confused Driver

Today, I read the following articles online and decided to break down the information that I analyzed.

The incident occured in November 2017, though the dashcam footage has just recently been released to the public.
Here is what I gather from it all...

The victem of the police shooting is an American of Iranian descent who, according to the information provided, has had no criminal record or negative interactions with police.
He was known as Bijan Ghaisar and may (or may not) have noticed that he was just involved in a minor traffic accident. According to the Uber driver that hit Ghaisar's Jeep's rear-end, Ghaisar may have 'slammed' on his breaks thus causing the minor collision. For whatever reason, Ghaisar did not acknowledge the accident and he did not exit his vehicle, and it is unknown if he even knew he was rear-ended. (Although, majority of the time, you would think that one would 'feel' the collision or hear or see it. There is always the possibility that, for one reason or another, Ghaisar did not noticed the accident and simply continued driving only to be in fear after the sirens started blazing!)
I am not here to write about Ghaisar's questionable actions however!
I am here to shed light on the trigger happy police who are so quick to murder in the name of supposed fear.
I am going to break this down piece by piece.

Ghaisar Pic.png


First first first...
Ghaisar made a few iffy iffy's.
The police typically respond to anything even remotely uncooporative with force, often lethal.
The police typically respond to anything even remotely uncooporative with force, often lethal.
The police typically respond to anything even remotely uncooporative with force, often lethal.
I cannot repeat this enough.
Reguardless of Ghaisar's 'mistakes', reguardless of Trayvon's 'mistakes', reguardless of Castille's 'mistakes', reguardless of Mike Brown's 'mistakes'... THEY ARE ALL DEAD AS THE RESULT OF TRIGGER HAPPY LAW ENFORECERS OVERREACTING TO THEIR SUPPOSED MISTAKES.

Those who argue that Ghaisar's actions got him killed, may often say the same thing for other victem's of police shootings.
What they fail to understand is...

Well, if he would have responded 'properly' he would still be alive correct?
Not necessarily...
It is well known that police are quick to overreact. It is also well known that police have wrongly overreacted and still consatantly overreact without accountability or a change in enforcement.
Taking this information all into account (along with many other police shootings, justified or not) one can begin to understand why many people panic around police. (often with the police in panic mode themselves)

Imagine getting guns pulled out on you from multiple people, police or not, it is not a situation that many people are trained to deal with. There is no 'standard' way to react; even people who are either trained in reacting to such dire situations or are used to interactions with law enforcement may not react correctly for the satisfaction of the authorities.
More often than it is reaction followed by over-reaction followed by death or injury.

What I am trying to wrap my head around here is this...
Considereing Ghaisar's lack of criminal record, the fact that no weapons or contraband were found on his persons nor in the vehicle, and he was not drinking, I am trying to figure out why anybody would feel that it is justified in unloading multiple rounds at him.

Considering that police probably did not have this information while in panic mode... also consider this.

Ghaisar's vehicle plates read his name "GHAISAR" (man's name)

Majority of people ethnically descending from that region where Ghaisar's live DO NOT DRINK (Muslim)

In his supposed attempt at evading authorities he was precise and he was not swerving or showing the signs of an intoxicated driver. (Likely fearful rather than intoxicated!)

Vehicle not previously tied to crime. (No reason to suspect guns and contraband inside)

I suppose what I am doing is trying to justify Ghaisar's action.
Not justify in the sense that he is excused from any wrongdoing himself, justified in the sense that he had a right to be scared and in fear for his life. Especially if police ran towards him with guns drawn on the first attempt to contact him.

When one is in fear for their life, they should be let be.

Ghaisar was deemed guilty with the death penalty instantly enforced.

United States of America has a culture of violence and the police are a part of the cycle of violence. We cannot change the way every person reacts when in a fearful situation. However, we can change our laws and the way police interact with people.

Anybody claiming to be a peaceful servant of The Most High while believing this man deserved instant death for evading authorities needs to check there Quran, Bible, or other Holy book for how to show patience and mercy during hardship.

And Allah SWT knows best.

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