Rose's aeroplane trip - English Comprehension - Grade 4

One day Rose came home with great news. “Our choir will go to Cape town next month. We’ll travel in an aeroplane!” she said.

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At last the day of the trip came. Rose’s family took her to the airport early in the morning. “I’m so excited!” said Rose to her brother, Jack. “I’ve never traveled in a plane before!”

“Oh dear, with all your heavy suitcases in it, that plane won’t take off!” said Jack. Rose said Jack was talking nonsense. Then she asked Jack to help her to carry her suitcases. “Girls always pack too many clothes!” he said. “That’s not true. It’s a silly thing to say,” said Rose. She explained that you never know what the weather will be like in Cape Town: hot, cold, rainy or dry. So, you have to take enough clothes.

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Rose said goodbye to her family and then she joined the other girls in the choir. Her friend Rebecca was there. Soon all the travelers boarded the plane. Rose’s seat was next to a window. The plane began to move slowly on the ground. It went faster and faster, and then it took off. “We are flying!” said Rose. Through the window Rose saw the houses and trees on the ground getting smaller and smaller. Soon the plane was in the clouds and they could loosen their seat belt.

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Before long, they were flying above Cape Town. The plane flew towards the airport. It flew lower and lower. Then the girls felt a slight bump, and Rebecca said, “The plane is landing now.” The passengers got off the plane and they went to collect their luggage. Soon everyone had their suitcases except Rebecca…. “My case isn’t here! What will I wear tonight and tomorrow?” she cried. “Don’t worry, Rebecca,” said Rose. “I think I brought too many clothes. You may wear my clothes if you help me to carry these suitcases!”


  1. Rose was traveling to Cape Town for her first time. Which type of transport did she use?

  2. Who is Jack?

  3. Why did Rose have so many luggage?

  4. Where is Cape Town?

  5. What couldn't Rebecca find?

  6. What were they doing in Cape Town?

  7. If a plane begins to move slowly, what does it mean?

  8. Why did Rose feel a slight bump?

  9. After exiting the plane, where should passengers go next?

  10. What could Rose offer Rebecca and why?

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