God is Calling You Because He Loves Everyone, Even The Worst Sinners

If you think you're too far away from God, it doesn't mean He stops loving you. The Lord still loves whoever rejects Him, even if we need chastisements. (A topic for another day.) Thank God for Jesus Christ, He is mercy and love personified. This is why only if we accept Jesus will we have eternal life.

And so, it doesn't matter at what age you really embrace and accept God in your life. But the earlier you do, the better. 😉 Spiritual warfare is real and not a joke.


👉 The Basics (to win against evil and temptations):

This post is for lukewarm Catholics and other Christians who are just meh and going through the motions of life. I've been there done that so I know how lifeless and dirty it feels to have just a tepid to cold faith for decades.

If you feel you are under attack by evil beings, here's an emergency procedure you can do: The Only Life Hack You'll Need Against Bad Luck, the Devil and Demons! Otherwise if you feel like demons are whispering to you and/or making you think and do bad things or you have an illness that doctors are baffled with, etc., then read that post as well before you continue reading this.

This is also an invitation to previous Catholics who left the faith so you have an idea what you can do to return to Catholicism. If you're irreligious then read this instead and don't mind the misleading comments.

Here's a meme for ya. 😁 | image source

Anyway, so here's what you can do to get on the road of sanctification:

  • Start with a thorough examination of conscience (pagsusuri ng budhi). Plenty of online guides for that. Then list the sins and go to confession. Make sure you have really regretted what you've done or are contrite. Don't be shy or afraid to confess, God's mercy and love is abundant and greater than any of our sins.
  • Do frequent confessions. Venial sins are also best to be confessed so none becomes a mortal sin.
  • Never miss Sunday mass and Holy Days of Obligation, and be there at least before the mass even starts. (Unless really sick and unable to go, online mass is the key and then request for a priest or lay minister for communion.)
  • Do daily scheduled prayers (angelus/regina caeli, 3 o'clock prayer, rosary, etc.). It can help improve religious self-discipline.

👉 Additional things to do:

  • Consecration to Jesus. This is for everyone, regardless of civil status. It can also be done through (1) Mama Mary via St Louis de Montfort / St. Maximilian Kolbe or (2) through St. Joseph via Fr. Donald Calloway, etc.
  • Wear sacramentals (blessed Brown Scapular, Miraculous Medal, etc.) as a sign and reminder of your devotion to God.
  • Look for a church/Vatican approved devotion you feel is best for you to worship God. (First Saturdays, First Fridays/Sacred Heart, Divine Mercy, novenas, etc.)

I suggest to do all of the above like you really mean it. Road to sanctification FTW! 💪🙂

As always, watch Catholic exorcist priests talks/interviews:

  • American: Fr. Chad Ripperger, Fr. Dan Reehil, Fr. Ianuzzi, etc.
  • Filipino: Fr. Jocis Syquia, Fr. Jojo Zerrudo, Fr. Darwin Gitgano, Fr. Winston Cabading, Fr. Jeffrey Quintela, etc. and
  • Read the lives and writings of saints + Catechism of the Catholic Church too.

All of that are online. I learned a lot from all of the above. There's more but you can start with content from the mentioned clergymen and ebooks/online articles, etc., to know more about God and religious practices.

Lord have mercy on us all. 🙏


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Written by @artgirl for Hive
© Art x Stephanie Rue / Lucy Stephanie

@artgirl is a freelance writer/blogger/artist, online seller and real estate agent.

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