What is Natural?


I strive to live a mostly natural life. It's not always the easiest way to live, being bombarded with so much stuff that is been promoted as being more convenient, that in reality makes us step further and further away from what comes naturally.

It is natural to want to protect our homes, to want to protect our families and it seems that that is exactly what the media uses to start us down this spiral of detachment from the natural world, from our natural selves. Our home is this planet so protecting it should be paramount in what we wish to achieve today, but instead we see our homes as being only the structures that we live in, walls, that contain us, that separate us.

Homes that are no longer made of natural materials but from toxic man made materials that are slowly poisoning our real home, the home that keeps us alive.

Image Source: https://hutchinsonbear.com

I am trying to raise my children in a very natural, intuitive way. I am not a fan of vaccinations, I choose not to give them to my children, our bodies have the amazing ability to heal itself as long as we do not interfere and allow our immune systems to mature naturally, in order to do that it needs to be challenged. If we interfere with it too early we stop any natural immunity from happening. I also understand that if my children were very sick and there was no alternative but modern medicine I would accept that.


Image Source: http://visionlaunch.com

But I feel strongly that we are being told alot of bull by the media,by governments, in order to sign our children up for a life long dependant relationship with the medical world and more importantly the pharmaceutical companies. A relationship that is all about money.

Natural treatments, herbal, homeopathy ( to name but two) treat the whole instead of just the symptom. Modern medicine is all about treating the symptom, not the cause and in doing so creates more symptoms, leading to more treatment. A cycle of interventions, a cycle of medication. Leading us down a path of continuous dependency on that treatment.

We no longer listen to our own bodies, instead ignoring pains and twinges, pushing them aside, letting things build up until we are in very real pain that we cannot ignore. We should not allow ourselves to get to this point. But for some the art of listening to our bodies has been forgotten.

If every night when we lay down to go to sleep, we could consciously become aware of our bodies, take the time to focus on each part, to see if there is any discomfort any pain, to breathe in healing and breathe out pain/discomfort. To listen to what our bodies are trying to tell us. To not be so dependant on others to tell us if we are sick, to stop handing over our power to others. We need to take back responsibility for our own bodies, for how can we truly wish to heal the earth if we do not learn to heal ourselves. If we do not care about healing ourselves.

Today I read a post by a fellow steemian, which discussed how the American Academy of Paediatrics had published an article saying how breastfeeding is not natural and leads to mothers not vaccinating their kids. I strongly suggest you read this great post by @sue-price, https://steemit.com/health/@sue-price/think-breast-feeding-is-natural-think-again.

Image source: http://www.breastfeedingplace.com

This is another tactic used to lead us or more importantly our children, down a path of dependency on medical professions. To lead us away from what is natural. It is natural to breastfeed your children, it is not always easy and for some it does not work out, but we cannot deny that it is natural. But here for all to see is what the medical profession are trying to push on to us, that it is not.

On top of that I read an article a while ago, about how Midwives in the United Kingdom are being told to end their campaign to promote normal/natural birth.
Unfortunately it is now more unusual for a women to birth naturally. Birthing in hospital after a number of different interventions is now the norm. This is a subject I have covered already, in a number of other posts, so I will not go into details.

So where does this lead us?

To an age of unnatural living?

To a confused state of being?

Maybe, but it is also the age of Awareness, of Education, of Global communities.

Now is the time to be informed, to stay informed and to be proactive.

It is the time to keep singing that same old song until everyone hears it.

It is the time for people to come together and stand together

I am part of the #ecotrain, if you wish to read great content and be inspired please check it out. It is one train that is full of very diverse and creative passengers. And we all know that diversity is the spice of life.



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