My warm sandwiches

My warm sandwiches

Every morning, I followed the same routine. I woke up before the sun kissed the horizon, slipping quietly out of bed. With a yawn and a stretch, I made my way to the kitchen to prepare my small morning feast.

I loved starting my day with warm sandwiches. They were a simple indulgence that always managed to bring a smile to my face. Today, the aroma of frying sausages filled the air, accompanied by the fresh scent of salad, tomato, and cucumber. As the sausages sizzled in the pan, I sliced the vegetables with care, the vibrant colors teasing my senses.

The coffee machine released a hiss of steam, signaling that the strong brew was ready. I poured myself a mug, the rich aroma wafting through the air, invigorating my senses. The first sip sent a jolt of energy through my body, banishing any lingering traces of sleepiness. I knew this was exactly what I needed to jumpstart my day.

Outside, the rain poured relentlessly, its rhythm a soothing backdrop against the clinking of plates and the fragrant flavors of my morning creation. I glanced at the window, anticipation bubbling within me. I had been waiting for days to venture out and capture the beauty of nature through my camera lens.

Every morning, after making my warm sandwiches, I yearned to embark on outdoor escapades. Rain or shine, nothing could dampen my enthusiasm for photography. Today was no exception. The downpour didn't deter me; instead, it added a touch of mystery to the atmosphere, promising unique and breathtaking shots.

So, with my camera safely tucked under my arm, I savored the last bite of my sandwich and drained my coffee mug. I relished the satisfying crunch of the fresh vegetables and the comforting warmth of the sausage. My taste buds danced with joy, urging me to finish quickly and step out into the world beyond.

As I stood at the doorstep, a contented smile painted across my face, the raindrops cascaded down, a melodious symphony against my windowpane. The city streets glimmered and reflected the dancing lights, creating a picturesque scene unlike any other. This was my moment of serenity, the catalyst that ignited my passion for capturing Life's simple gifts through the lens.

With an umbrella in hand, I ventured into the watery embrace of the rain. Each droplet embraced my skin like a gentle caress, rejuvenating my spirit. My camera clicked tirelessly, capturing the rain-soaked streets, the gleaming surfaces, and the reflections that transformed the ordinary into the extraordinary.

As I explored the city, every corner became a canvas for my creativity. The rainy backdrop enveloped me, making me feel like I was part of a magical painting. The symphony of rain intensified with every step, pushing me further into the realm of inspiration.

Hours passed unnoticed, my lens capturing the beauty and emotion of the rain-soaked city. My small morning feast had fueled both my body and my soul. Through my camera, I had preserved fleeting moments in time, turning them into eternal memories.

Finally, as the rain began to subside, I returned home, weary yet fulfilled. My heart was light, my eyes gleaming with contentment. The warmth of the sandwiches and the burst of flavor lingered on my tongue, a reminder of the small morning rituals that brought me joy.

As I sat down to review my photographs, I marveled at the beauty I had captured. The glistening pavements, the rain-kissed flowers, and the mesmerizing reflections were frozen in time, forever reminding me of my small morning and the joyful feast that fueled my artistic journey.

From that day forward, every morning would be greeted with warm sandwiches and strong coffee. And with each click of my camera, the world would be illuminated, telling a story of a small morning that held boundless wonders.

I was use here my Samsung A50 phone to take this photos.
I did not use apps to put some filters on, this are RAW photos... like you see phones makes some good morning photos, just play and try.

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