A golden treasure

A golden treasure

Today I went for a long walk in the forest because the day is beautiful and the sky is blue. The last few weeks have been very rainy and cold here. But fortunately, under the forest has not felt the strong night cold yet, so I found these big mushrooms that were giants under the forest, very rarely I find such big ones here because someone has always gone to pick them and the mushrooms don't manage to grow into giants.

These are chanterelles
Just pick them up clean from the soil and mud, and then fry the liquid out of the mushroom, and it's ready to eat right away.

So I had to take my shirt off again and pick them up inside my shirt, there were enough of them that I couldn't even fit them all inside my shirt.
Now I have to buy a lot of butter and onions and garlic to fry them all properly

I was use here my Sony NEX-5T
And I was use here also my Samsung A50 phone.

When I got home, I discovered that there was something strong in the fridge waiting for someone to take it, I don't drink much, but it had a pleasant color when the sun shone on the top of the bottle. :))

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