The activities that are prohibited in Islam during eating and drinking?Know, 6 Qur'anic suggestions of gaining wealth and riches?How people become perfect hypocrites?

Eating in Islam is also a worship. If it is started in the name of Allah. The work that begins with Bismillah is full of welfare. Allah has given good reward to the world and the Hereafter.
Do you know, what activities are prohibited during eating and eating? There was some work prohibited during the diet. Even if you refrain from these, good rewards can be found.
These urgent issues were highlighted-

  1. Eat with the left hand. (Muslim)
  2. Reclining food. (Bukhari)
  3. Drinking standing (Muslim)
  4. Drink gold and silver plates or pot. (Bukhari)
  5. Breathing or blowing in the beverage. (Abu Da'ud, Ibn Majah)
  6. Drink broken bottles of broken pot. (Abu Daud)
  7. Spoiled food. (Nasa'i)
  8. In spite of the need for food and drinks, lie is due to folklore in front of someone's food or drink. (Ibn Majah)
  9. Lying at the end of the meal immediately lie down. (Jadul Ma'ad)
    It is forbidden to do these things during the meal. Hey Allah! Taufiq to stay away from the activities of the entire Muslim Ummah. (Amin)


Know, 6 Qur'anic suggestions of gaining wealth and riches.


Consideration or narrowness of the provision is a mystery. Many people think that the provision is money and huge wealth - Aishwarya. But, right, the provision includes a wide range. It includes good health, intelligence, blessings of time and life, childhood and their well-being and overall well-being. And the control of all these things is only in the hands of Allah. The great Rabul alamin gives sustenance to his entire creation, so he has taken a name of his great abbot and Razzaq. He is the source of all sustenance and the only provider that believes in our share.
Increase in the provision, good judgment in life, at least the amount of food should be provided to me. But not everyone's intention is different. Many people, who seek sustenance for the enjoyment of the world's pleasures, these writings are not for them. This writing is for those who wish to live peacefully with one God, and want the halal provision.
A Muslim may have the intention to seek good wishes for Rizvi - it may be his intention to reciprocate his responsibility and rights to his family, Allah. Helping the relatives of relatives, neighbors and other Muslims of the world, especially in the land of Allah, in the mission of establishing the religion of Allah. By giving more charity - by giving charity to God's satisfaction - and above all, highlighting Islamic society. In fact, there should be such a desire in the pursuit of earning a Muslim's wealth, and his expenditure should be in the larger interest. Below is the following six ways of increasing the provision:

  1. Taqwa - The Great Ruler of Allaah says: "And whoever fears Allah, Allah will provide for him the way of salvation and will provide him with sustenance from the source, which he has not even imagined. And whoever puts his trust in Allah, He suffices. Allah will fulfill his work. "(Sura Talak: 2-3)
    This verse is a verse of the Qur'an, in order that Allah has been promised to help him in particular on the basis of earning piety with the believing slave and providing him provision from his special source. And Allah does not break His promise. From this history of true Sahabad's life, many believers of this time have proven in the life of fearless servants. Therefore, in the time of distress and hardship, the resort is the main means of sustaining provision, and it is also the number one provision for sustenance.
  2. Tawakkul: 'He who suffers in Allah, is sufficient for him. Allah will fulfill his work. Allah has set a measure for all things. "(Sura Talak: 3)
    The above verse was mentioned again. The purpose is, we note the first part of the verse, say in the discussion. But, forget the second part. In the first part is taqwaq, and in the second part it has been said of Tawakkul..
    Tawakkul means to do everything possible to achieve something. At the same time keep believing that Allah will give me what is good for me. This tawakkul keeps people calm, honest and honest in the difficult times of life. If you place proper trust in Allah, then you can get provision from the impossible place.
  3. Give charity - 'Who is there that lends to God a good loan; Then Allah will increase it twice as many times. Allaah shrinks, then He grows, and you will all return to Him. "(Sura Baqarah- 245)
    We will donate more charity in the way of God, help the poor and helpless. There are two profits in this. The first benefit is inner peace and the second benefit is the increase in the provision. Allah raises the charity from 10 times to more and more. You will see the abundance of the good of the righteous Muslims, and find that they all have the habit of donating more. This is proved in the life of the companions. Therefore, if more charity is done with taqwa and taawakkul, then your provision will increase as you never imagined.
  4. Grateful and thankful to Allah: 'When your Lord proclaimed that if you give thanks, I will give you more, and if you are ungrateful, then My punishment will be severe.' (Surah Ibrahim-7)
    The fourth way to increase the provision is to be more grateful to Allah. Now I am content with what I have and continue to give thanks to Allah. What can be small in my eyes is bigger than the other. Therefore, in no way can God be ungrateful. Because, gratitude enhances the provision and destroys the ungrateful provision. Think carefully about your blessings and thank you regularly every day. Insha Allah will increase the provision.
  5. Repentance and Istgefar - 'Then I said, "Ask forgiveness of your Lord." He is very forgiving. He will send forth rain on you, increase your wealth and your children, and create a garden for you, and make rivers flow for you. (Sura Nuh: 10-12)
    The fifth way has been adopted from the advice of Noah, which he gave to his nation. He advised his nation, if they repent, then Allah will increase their provision. In the above verse, rain, children, rivers, and gardens have been mentioned, which is a great source of livelihood. The fifth point is extremely easy. We all make many sacrifices every day. Therefore, we should be able to pray more often, repent every day. Our beloved Prophet (sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam) used to repent once a day. If we overestimate more repentance, according to Allah's promise, Insha Allah our livelihood will be multiplied multiplied.
  6. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, "Whoever wants to increase his provision and increase his or her life, should maintain kinship relations." The sixth way to increase the provision is to maintain and maintain kinship relations. There will be many relatives with whom for some time the relationship has worsened and is still bad. Should you proceed yourself. Start associating with them, revive the relationship. If your relatives have done something wrong with you then please forgive me. In this way, when we maintain our kinship and we will keep alive, then Allah will promise to increase our sustenance from the unending source, as God has promised. Insha Allah
    The last thing - after all things, we must keep in mind that the world is a test place for us. What is the value of sustenance if it is not spent on the satisfaction of Allah, if it is more than the provision? Rather, the greater the number of revenues on the Day of Resurrection, the risk of solid accounting. Allah Almighty will ask us about our complete happiness, all the wealth, all the blessings in the field of the Resurrection. Those who have been given more will be more calculated, time will be bigger. Therefore, we must be concerned about this matter.


How people become perfect hypocrites.


The worst thing to do in Nephak or the hypocrisy in the heart. Those who do all the work of Nefaki in the society are the hypocrites. And according to Allah's declaration, the place of the hypocrite will be at the lowest level of Hell. The 'Hawya', which is known to be lonely In the Qur'an, Allah, according to the position of the hypocrite, said:
'Surely the hypocrites (people) will remain in the last stages of hell. And they will never have any helper. "(Sura Nisa: Verse 145)
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), in the hadith, presented the identity of the hypocrite full of hypocrisy and the nature of hypocrisy. In order that believers may guard themselves from all these acts. And he-
Hazrat Abdullah ibn Amr (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said that there are four dispositions in which the true (hypocritical) hypocrites And among which there will be one (4) of them, there will be a hypocrite (disposition) sign; Until he refrains from it. (And the nature of the hypocrite is 4)

  • When some deposits are kept to him, he is spoiled.
  • When he speaks lies.
    It breaks the promise. And
  • Using quarrels if it is quarrels. '(Bukhari and Muslim)
    Those who are involved in these activities are perfect, ie, the true hypocrites. For them, most of the bottom of hell is laid down. And the bottom of Hell is called (هاوية) Habeeb. Allah protects the Muslim Ummah from the nature of the hypocrite mentioned.
    Note that,
  • Among the hypocrites, who will be cautious with all these 4 work abandonment; Instead of going to hell, he will go to Paradise with the believers. In the next verse Allah has announced that -
    'But those who repent, reform their own actions, will hold fast to Allaah, and will make their religion devoted to Allah, they will be with the believers. And Allah will give a great reward to the believers. "(Sura Nisa: Verse 146).
    Not only that, Allah Almighty will not punish any person unnecessarily. He created man for his worship; Those who disobey Him will be punished. Allaah reminded me of this and declared:
    'What is the need of Allah to punish you unnecessarily, if you are a grateful servant and follow the principle of faith? Allah is the Bestower, the Knower. "(Surah Al-Baqarah: Ayat 147)
    Finally ...
    Hypnosis or hypocrisy is a serious disorder for the believer. That will bring down the people to the lowest level of hell. These four attitudes declared in the hadith are a very serious crime for the people. Therefore, the demand of faith to refrain from the mentioned manifestations.
    Allaah has given the Muslim Ummah a tawafik to refrain from the characteristics or symbols as proclaimed by the Quran and Hadith. Take care of these terrible punishments. Amin.
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