Structured Know-How About Structured Water

A common fact about the body is that close to 40-60% of the human body is composed of water (this fluctuates greatly) but this this only takes the mass of water into account. To look at this from a different perspective, we will look at hydrogen on this chart used by Wikipedia. Hydrogen is the third highest element for the composition of the mass of the body with it composing 9.5%. However, hydrogen's mass is much smaller so this is why oxygen makes up more body mass, yet hydrogen is the most prolific molecule in the human body.

However, if we look at the composition of hydrogen by atomic mass, it composes 66% of the body's atomic percent. This is also a limited perceptions as most elements are bound to other elements to form stable molecules. This brings up today's main topic: just how important different types of water are.

Nearly 99% of a human being is strictly water molecules. While we focus on lipids, proteins, DNA, RNA, carbs, etc... we tend to ignore the medium for the body. Water can take many different forms such as snow, ice, vapor, and liquid but since Dr. Gerald Pollack discovered a fourth phase of water, dubbed "EZ water", which has special characteristics and applications.

EZ water molecule's structure arrange itself like ice would: with the water molecules joining in hexagonal structured single layer sheets on top of each other. Unlike ice, the sheets are very flexible since they are not "glued" in place by protons. This structure is actually known as H3O2; three hydrogens and two oxygens that are layered on top of each other shifted by a varying amount of degrees. Normal tap water, or other sources of unstructured water molecules coagulate and form structures that look similar to bacteria cells; clumped water molecules that are disorganized. The following diagram shows this idea while demonstrating what EZ water could do to potential toxins (most are oxidative, so they have a positive charge, remember that).

EZ water generates a negative charge in water, even without ion/minerals so this may explain the natural negative charge of the cell. This explains a lot about the phenomenon that takes place in aqueous solutions. Although like-charge substances are supposed to repel each other, they normally attract each other in an aqueous medium. This is due to a zone that contains opposite charges and possesses the ability to exclude solutes (called the Exclusion Zone hence EZ water). The opposite charges that make it possible for like molecules to bind comes from the environment itself: the energetic water.

Other unique attributes of EZ water is that the molecules are more constrained and stable which creates a more viscous liquid than traditional bulk water. It also absorbs ultraviolet light at 270nm which is important because Due to the exclusion zone having a negative charge (due to the H3O2 structure) and , the water that possesses a positive charge (which may be due to free radicals, solutes, etc..) will separate: essentially creating a water battery. Although the charge is small, it is important to note that this is energy is available due to light refraction that charges the water. Infrared light seems to radiate everywhere due to the sun "charging" everything around us, from the air, trees, and furniture in our house to our own cells. So photonic energy charges everything around us.

The simplest way to utilize structured water is to drink it, since the water (being negatively charged) acts as an anti-oxidant which helps clear out oxidative damage in cells. It is important to note that filtration techniques such as reverse osmosis and distillation water have less EZ so other measures can be taken to create EZ. Ways to increase EZ water for any water include using funnels (have to be specifically designed), using trace minerals in the water, adding un-processed salt, using pyramids, meditating over the water, stirring it, squeezing a slice of lemon or lime in it, using ultraviolet or infrared light, or utilizing the sun's energy. Water that is not EZ water will not hydrate your body effectively, in fact, it can stress the kidneys because it is difficult for the body to absorb "lifeless" water. With water being practically everywhere, and more information showing that water is much more complex then mainstream science considers, there is still amazing mysteries that are all around us about our connection between us and water. Understanding that there is different water that is charged differently depending on the environment will lead many to realize that there are several academic considerations if not all water is the same. An experiment that used "lifeless" water compared to one that used "EZ water" would have different characteristics related to the different waters. Much more research and care must be taken into consideration with anything that water could come into contact with.


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