My shroom trip

So back in the day when I used to do alot of drugs, I have one memorable story to tell....

It goes back to when i knew this guy, named Morgan. I had only known him as "sandman" because that was his drug dealing alias. Alas, after some time of picking up weed from him, I got to know him rather well, and he revealed his real name (I wont post it here lol.) He is the one who introduced me to the whole idea of a central power, controlling the world, and globalization in general, among other "Conspiracy theories"
One day while "chilling out in his house" he talked about how he was growing shrooms in his closet... not unusual for him, as he was already growing weed... He said they would be from all around the world... Africa, Canada, Equador, Mexico, etc... and that they would be the most potent shrooms anyone has ever had in the city... of course, I laughed at him, and said your crazy... it will never work etc..
Needless to say, 9 months later, he had succeeded (after many attempts at creating the right conditions, and avoiding mold.)
They would grow on these huge rice paddies, I remember.. and they were big. Some were probably 10-6 inches long... Some were purple, some were your typical "GOLDEN TEACHERS" They were beautiful in their own right..
So of course, I had done nothing more extreme than smoke weed and drink beer so I really looked forward to experiencing them.... And needless to say, he was more than willing to share.. He ended up giving me an around an eighth the first time. I left and ended up doing them by myself in my own set and setting, in my house. I laughed my ass off for about 4 hours, the world started to move, my stomach churned, and it felt like my mind was expanding while my body "shrunk." I had this shrinking feeling the entire time. I also had mad Devaju, like the first time you smoke weed if you know what I mean it felt like I had done all of this before, in some realm, somewhere else, or that there was a path I was following, and destiny was my leader. Pain felt really good (pinching myself for example)... I thought really deeply about the world and how messed up it is that pharmaceuticals are legal yet this, which could make people happy, was totally, 100 percent.. illegal... And then, I thought about how we were created, how I came to be, and just an overall understanding of life and how we are reborn every time we fuck up into something else (think a lion if your an awesome person but only make a few mistakes) or something really bad if you are an evil person like Hillary Clinton or George soros (think a black african child starving in the Savanna with an iq of 10)

Of course, this was not enough for me.. I wanted to know more.. I thirsted for more knowledge, as any curious young adult born into this bewildering world would. So this time, I thought, I would do the big dirty. I would Launch into a psychonaut outer space that I would probably never return from.. I would go beyond the realm of Pluto in Psychadelic land. I would launch beyond the milky way of total blacked- out not knowing what the fuck is going-onness. I would find all the mysteries of man kind, I would dig up all the secrets that are hidden from our very own eyes, All i needed was a more Potent dose... you get the idea.
So I then decided, fuck it, one day.... and ended up getting a half ounce (remember, these are SUPER POTENT) and I call up my buddy (we'l call him steve o cause he was the craziest dude I knew and I knew he would do the shrooms.) So Steve says fuck ya lets just do em all! And i'm like are you sure man we can just do half (1/4) and hes like nawww ive done 40 tabs of acid before!
So im like.. ok.... then.. lol I will be over at your moms house in 2 hours... (I had to bike over because I was already high as fuck from smoking a bunch of weed and didnt wanna get pulled over with shrooms)

So I finally arrive at his moms place, it was an apartment suite, You have to ring yourself in and hustle your bike through that mfing door.. fuck i hated that cocksucker. Esp cause i was high...
I get into The elevator with my bike (900 dollar huge mountain bike was hard to fit in there as well) and then make it into his apartment... Hes just smoking a fat bong, and I hear his mom yell "what did I say about smoking weed in the house" steve-o replies.. "IM SMOKING A FUCKING BONG MOM CALM THE FUCK DOWN JEEZ YOU BITCH" lol... she doesnt say anything. This right here put me on edge, as we still had to make the tea in her house.. Im like u sure this is fine bro hes like o ya dont worry about her... shes just on her period...

Somewhat hesitant at this point, I Take a fat rip of the bong. I lose consiousness for 2 seconds, and then say, alright lets do this shit... So we get out a tea kettle, set it on low, grind up the shrooms, and take lots of ginger root and grind them up well.. put it all into the tea... While we wait, we just start playing battlefield 3. (I suck at battlefield 3, so my friend just basicly took over because his teamates were getting rite pissed off.)
So finally, the tea finishes, and we take it off. It looks like a black soupy mess of absolute shit. The most putrid looking pile of crap I have possibly ever seen, next to my dogs diahrea.

We take 2 big glasses each, about 2 l per person.. It was alot of tea. We had made sure to fast before, to ensure lightning quick onset and full rocket speed. Halfway through the second glass, my friend cannot take it anymore. He rushes to the bathroom, and pukes up some of it. Fortunately he managed to keep most of it down, and takes some gravol. 10 Minutes later, he is holding his head with both hands, covering his eyes for dear life. I urge him to finish the tea... and he grudgingly gurgles the rest down.

Then, 15 minutes later it really starts to hit us. The walls start merging with everything else, Closed eye visuals were begginging to become super intense... I saw literal pyramid- like 3d objects merging in and about motion sickness ensued like we were on the titanic in a supershitstorm tsunami... As I looked around, dazed, and thinking 10000000 things at once, his mom yells I CANT BELIEVE YOU MADE SHROOMS IN MY HOUSE!

This totally set me off.. and ruined my whole trip from then on. I became delusional.. and thought she would call the police (of course not in hindsight lol) so I suggested we go for a bike ride.
My friend, of course, resisted, having feeling like a brick wall just hit him square in the face, at the speed of a 200 mile hurricane. I persisted, and eventually he agreed it would be good to go to the local park. So we somehow managed to make it back out his apartment (with some scuffs on the elevator and doors lol) and onto our bikes.

To this day Im not sure how we actually rode those things, I mean we were basicly all over the place. Like drunken sailors who have just discovered the bicycle for the first time, we rode into the sunset. The sun was so bright, i had to wear a hat and sunglasses, and still, I looked like Mr Chong from squinting so hard. This is when the shit really starts to hit the fan.
I Cannot read the street signs, let alone make out what a street sign is. I can barely make out the road... and just following my friend was extremely hard.. Reality was melting before my eyes, and everything was just so vividly bright.. my eyes were full saucers at this point. I couldnt think about any one thing, as my mind was going wayyyyyyyy to fast. I became paranoid...

5 minutes later, 2 minutes away from the park (im guessing) I lose my friend, who was biking in front of me. I was so fucked up I could not follow him.. I repeat, I was fucked. At this point I really start to panic, my legs are becoming jellow. All I can do is mumble, I cannot even make out a sentence. I come across a pretty "chill looking" party going on the front lawn of someones house, they were playing beerdarts and smoking weed. I asked them, "is it ok if i just chill on your lawn i'm really tripping balls right now." Being the cool dudes they were they were like sure, and let me just lay there. While i was laying there, my friend somehow managed to phone me. My phone sounded like a motorboat, even though it was only vibrating. After 5 failed attempts to press accept call, I succeded. He then says "where the hell r u" and im like "chiling on some dudes lawn where r u" and he's like oh im chilling on the lawn at the park" which made me laugh for a good 10 minutes straight.
He then says hes going home after he recollects enough energy. I say fine, I will be there in half an hour.

So while I'm chilling there on the lawn trippng balls, I start to see some reallllllllly wierd stuff I have never seen again.. Things such as me be able to "see sound" when someone talked to me, or actual auras coming off of people. Some were blue, some were red, were were yellow. Color was 3d... thats the best I can explain it. It also felt like I was in a time warp...
And so after what seemed like 10000000 hours on that damned lawn, I waved goodbye to my companions, they told me to say hi to jesus for me, which i laughed at, and I swerved and swayed on my bike all the way back to his house. Once there, we attempted to play battlefield again.
It was nearly impossible. The explosions were too frightning. It felt like we were IN THE VIDEO GAME, MAN! lol.
So after failing to play battlefield we put on a scanner darkly, and pretty much the trip slowly faded from there.
The day after, I could not stop smiling. I would burst out laughing for no reason at work, and people knew i was still messed up from the day before. It was only later I found out shrooms make you happy for days later... natural endorphin chemicals are created, etc.. So if you are depressed, but not crazy, I suggest trying a SMALL amount.. to make your life more understandable, enjoyable, and just better overall:)
I hope you all enjoyed my story:)

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