Effect of drugs abuse {Stop Abusing of Drugs}

images(11).jpgDrug we know is a substance taken for the maintanance of the human body and for the treatment of illness.Therefor drug abuse is an extreme desire to increasingly take a substance more than the amount required.
Research has it that drug is a very strong substance made from different grain and herb with the mixture of many strong chemical and so taking drugs without prescription from a medical practitional is known as drug abuse.

The topic of this article is the "effects of drug abuse"
Many people who condemn young people for using the illegal drugs like "heroin,alcohol,tobacco and Marijuana, drink heavily themselves ignoring the fact they are also abuser of drugs or drugs addict.
Drug abuse has a very serious short term effect and it has been found to bring instability in differents places as a result of an increased amount of the intake.
Boris "1974" says drug abuse can play or serve a significant role in everyday interpersonal affairs although there is no data shown,but many youth in our society today are users,drug abuse constitute a very serious problems and this process appears to be based on an underlined psychological abnormality.
Drug abuse seriously affect the individuals health and social function,it also hurt the users relatives and society as whole. In 1984,swaggart identified the havoc caused by excessive drug abuse, according to him it has broken up more homes,killed more human beings,started more war,wrecked more careers and every other thing on the surface of the earth.
All human being in the society have goals, which they strive to achieve in life. But considering the hazards and damage that abuse of drug cause to the family, one then is forced to ask why people still indulge in drug abuse. Meanwhile, social realities present a picture of different occurrence among individuals and even between human groups.The question there is to what extent are certain variable like class,culture and gender responsible for or what extent do they determine drugs and drug abuse
Awareness on drugs abuse should be introduce to school curriculum in other to discourage people from involving themselves or abusing drugs. images(10).jpg

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