Ehang 184: The flying car of the future is here now! 🛸

Ehang 184

Autonomous Aerial Vehicle (AAV)

According to their website

Ehang 184 AAV is the safest,Smartest and Eco-Friendly low altitude autonomous aerial vehicle, aiming on providing Medium-Short Distance communication and transportation solution.

Powered by electricity only, the Ehang 184 can still operate with one set of rotors not working!

Also the communication is encrypted, and they state "If any components malfunction or disconnect, the aircraft will immediately land in the nearest possible area to ensure safety".

From the way the regulations are starting to look, it seems like this type of transportation may stay autonomous only, and not allow anyone to manually drive these types of vehicles.


With drones & automation basically taking over every sector..

It does not surprise me that we may see a Jetsons future after all!

Either way I am excited to see how this technology grows, and how it will be adopted globally in the future.. Let me know what you are excited about in the comments below, and thanks for checking this out!

Image Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

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