🙏 🙏 Adventure to Austin, Texas - Quantum physics and meditation workshop 🙏 🙏

What a fun trip to Austin, Texas, we attended a quantum physics progressive workshop, “Ascending Your Energy: Tune into Your New Destiny” by Dr. Joe Dispenza. This event took place December 8 through December 10, 2017.
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Austin Skyline and the Hyatt on our way.

This takes meditation to a new level of understanding the energy involved and balancing the chakras. He has measured and has the results to show. Even EEG's with people in with gamma waves after sending energy up the spine. There are healings taking place at these events through letting go of the past and releasing energy.

Here is a description of what he covered those 2 1/2 days.
• Find the sweet spot of the present moment where possibility exists
• Change your energy from living in the past to living in a new future
• Enter deeper levels of the subconscious mind
• Change your beliefs and perceptions
• Liberate emotional energy stored in your body, then use it to create a new destiny
• Use mental rehearsal to recondition the body to a new mind
• Reprogram your genes
• Energize your brain
• Broadcast new electromagnetic signatures to create new opportunities in your life
• Shift from the Newtonian model of reality to the Quantum model of reality
• Open the heart
• Use your consciousness to command matter
• Develop your attention as a skill

As a lot of you know Dr. Joe Dispenza’s work in quantum physics and meditation is a huge interest of mine. I have read three of his books, currently reading his fourth book and practicing his guided meditations.

This event was more than expected and I expected a lot. We arrived at the Hyatt Regency in Austin, Texas in great weather, the day before they said it had snowed and now it was sunny and warm.

I met a lot of people that told me they had been to other workshops and it mystified me as to why until after it was over. I want more.

Here are some photographs from the adventure.

It is always fun to travel during the holidays with all the beautiful decorations.
I have to include a tree.

You can see people going into the Texas Ballroom for the event, about 861 people attended and there were people from other countries. About 47 States were represented and around 261 people from Texas. A great experience meditating with that many people.

There were even people waiting to see if they could get in that had not purchased tickets for the event.

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As you can see there are two big screens in addition to the stage so everyone can see Dr. Joe Dispenza up close. The event starts with music, people standing and some even dancing. I will post some of the information we learned for you in a later post.


I just did a post about synchronicity that happened to us during the drive to and from the event involving a stone someone gave us for protection.

Later I will post about other parts of our vacation, visiting our dear friend in the hill country and also the fun visit with my Aunt Jessie at the young age of 104 years old.

Some previous posts using Dr. Joe Dispenza’s work:

From the Matrix to Quantum Physics

Brain waves and meditation to change the subconscious programs

Where quantum physics joins with meditation – next step happening

How much empty space are you

thanks for reading

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