20 Simple Things You Can Do in the Kitchen That'll Make You Look Like an Expert Chef

So you want to become a better cook? Level up your skills by trying out some of these genius hacks. Read on to find out how to get the perfect sear on steak, how to achieve a ridiculously flaky pie crust, and more.

Cook your grains in stock or broth for maximum flavor.

via: Getty

If you’ve ever made a bland batch of rice, quinoa, or couscous, it’s probably because they were cooked in water. Using chicken or veggie broth instead ups the flavor with the same amount of effort.

Don’t forget to add salt when you’re baking.

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It might seem counterintuitive, but that pinch of salt found in most baking recipes is a key ingredient. It keeps things from getting too sweet, and your cookies definitely wouldn’t taste the same without it.

When you’re making a pie crust, make sure everything is ice cold.

via: Getty

For pies and other pastries, it’s important to keep everything nice and cold for maximum flakiness. That includes butter, water, and even your mixing bowl (stick it in the freezer before you start mixing!).

Make your bananas last longer.

via: Getty

When you buy a bunch of bananas, wrap the stem end with plastic wrap. This prevents ethylene gases from escaping, which helps them stay fresh longer.

Next, the genius solution to a common cooking mistake.

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