20 Hilarious Jokes for Folks Who Simply Straight up Love Meals

Are you sitting at your pc chomping on a snack proper now? Then you might have come to the fitting place, my buddy.

These jokes are for anybody who loves meals, from fancy foodies who love eating at five-star eating places to these of us who will defend film popcorn to the demise.

That is proper. These food-themed jokes are for you.

by way of: Twitter

Meals infants are one of the best since you’re normally not pregnant with them for 9 months and also you normally ate a bunch of scrumptious stuff to get it.

by way of: Twitter

That is the reality.

Popcorn is clearly the explanation you go to the movie show.

by way of: Twitter

Once more, such as you go to a movie show for the popcorn, you at all times go to a marriage for the cake. Positive, positive, love is gorgeous and stuff, but it surely’s actually all in regards to the dessert.

by way of: Twitter

And God mentioned, “Let there be lunch!”

And deli meat rained down upon them.

And it was good.

by way of: Twitter

Oh man, I hate when that occurs too! It’s like, each time.

The subsequent one is a useful kitchen hack…

- The story continues -

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