Lucid Dreaming Part 1

Lucid Dreaming Part 1


Ordinary dreams

are a lot like an amusement park ride you didn’t choose to get on the ride, there are strange things all around you that seem real, and you’re forced to experience everything that comes. You possibly could have the ability to react, but you cannot get off the ride, whether you like it or not.

Lucid dreams

are like exploring an amusement park that you built yourself. Not only can you go wherever you want, but you can also choose to do anything you want, It is your world. Want to fly like a Neo from "The Matrix"? It’s possible I have done it at ease from lots of practice. Want to confront your fears with courage? No sweat. Want to hang out with your favorite celebrities? You most definitely can. Imagine going to bed every night and experience things you could never experience in life, then waking up still feeling refreshed and rested!! That’s lucid dreaming.
With a look into history, lucid dreaming was an experience used by Buddhists, Hindu, Sufi and Shamanic traditions among more. Some even suggest that the Tibetan shamanic tradition knew much about lucid dreaming and utilized it for more than 5,000 years. Books written in the 70's by authors Celia Green, Patricia Garfield, and Carlos Castaneda took on the subject of lucid dreaming and provided some information about it. It was not until the emergence of scientific evidence for lucid dreaming to start being taken seriously.
Thanks for reading!! Part 2 will be out soon and will be on how to lucid dream!!! Feel free to follow!!

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