Hi! This is me. And my dreams are...

The more time I spend here on steem the more exited I am to get started myself. So here it is, my first post! My name is Marcel. I'm 32 years old and I live in The Netherlands.

This is a picture of me during my last visit to New York. Amazing place. Really love it!

I really like traveling but I have to admit im doing it way less then I really want to because sometimes I'm stuck living in my comfort bubble. Or I just feel like I am to exhausted from work to do anything. Most of the times I end up traveling about once a year. Which I hope to increase a lot in the near future!

So I like traveling. What else? Some of my other interests are the cryptocurrency world and making video's.  I have been interested in bitcoin and the cryptocurrency world for a long time now. Maybe I will post more about this later. The video's I make are mainly for hobby and are nothing special. Maybe one day I will up my video making/editing skills and post some interesting travel video's on youtube but it is not really a priority. :P

What are my dreams?

Escaping the 9-5 ratrace!
To live in a more nature rich environement
To travel more

Those are the tree biggest dreams I have at the moment. I am really looking forward to the day I have enough online income to quit my job. And this would then give me the option to fulfill my other dreams a lot easier! 

What blogposts can you expect from me?

My main focus right now is to build enough online (passive) income so I can quit my job. If this comes into reality I will be making blogpost about this process.

My biggest dream after that is living/spending more time in nature. I plan to buy a camper to live in it for a while. Just to try it out and see if it really is something for me to live in it long term. If I like this (which I'm almost certain I will) I will explore a few places I can stay at. And after that plan some trips with it. I might even sell my appartment. Building  an (off-grid) house to live in is also something I'm thinking about but that is more for later maybe. So look forward to see me posting about this whole crazy experience! If this all fails then at least I have some interesting story to tell I guess haha.

These things might still take a few months to work out but who knows. If steem takes off it might give me the final financial push to do it sooner. :P

Those are the biggest things I can think of right now. But of course I have much more to share. Ok bye now :)

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