Have You Ever Had a Dream about Your Teeth Falling out???

Dream your teeth were falling out again last night?
We've all had this dream at some point...
And it has nothing to do with the dentist! haha

Ever had a dream where your teeth fall out? What does it mean?

Falling teeth dreams are the most common dreams in the world. We should admit that dreams such as these are horrible and shocking most of the time.

We use teeth to bite, chew, gnaw and tear. Therefore, in most dreams, they symbolize power and/or strength. If you dream about losing your teeth, it could be an indication that you are having a feeling of powerlessness.

What I meant by powerlessness here is that you maybe in a situation where in you feel inferior. You may also be lacking confidence. Perhaps, you might be feeling down because you're experiencing problems about health, money, relationship, business and so on. You might also have this feeling that you are about to lose a source of strength such as a loved one, a job or a home.

For most women, dreams about falling teeth may indicate a feeling of being unattractive and getting older. In latest research, the ones who frequently dream about falling teeth are those who are in their menopausal stage.

There's a very different meaning for men and women.

So Have You Ever Had A Nightmare About Your Teeth Falling Out?

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