When is the best day for you to play Dungeons & Dragons & Dummies?

When is the best day for you to play Dungeons & Dragons & Dummies?

Hello adventurers!

Quick question for all of you, which day would be best for you to play our Steem-based, choose-your-own-adventure comic: Dungeons & Dragons & Dragons


So far, I've been publishing each "episode" on Tuesday night / Wednesday morning [ episode 1, episode 2 ].

However, due to recent health issues, I need to take a bit of a break from running these episodes, so I figure now would be a good time to ask the community which day they would prefer the episodes go live on.

Is there a day where you're more active on Steem? Is there a time where you are mostly like to see the new episodes in your feed?


What Day & Time Is Best For You?

feel free to expand upon which time, specifically, is best for you in your comment

Thanks! See you soon :^)


  • Monday - in the morning 🌞

  • Monday - at night 🌚

  • Tuesday - in the morning 🌞

  • Tuesday - at night 🌚

  • Wednesday - in the morning 🌞

  • Wednesday - at night 🌚

  • Thursday - in the morning 🌞

  • Thursday - at night 🌚

  • Friday - in the morning 🌞

  • Friday - at night 🌚

  • Saturday - in the morning 🌞

  • Saturday - at night 🌚

  • Sunday - in the morning 🌞

  • Sunday - at night 🌚

Answer the question at dpoll.xyz.

When is the best day for you to play Dungeons & Dragons & Dummies?
You may select 1 choices
Monday - in the morning 🌞
Monday - at night 🌚
Tuesday - in the morning 🌞
Tuesday - at night 🌚
Wednesday - in the morning 🌞
Wednesday - at night 🌚
Thursday - in the morning 🌞
Thursday - at night 🌚
Friday - in the morning 🌞
Friday - at night 🌚
Saturday - in the morning 🌞
Saturday - at night 🌚
Sunday - in the morning 🌞
Sunday - at night 🌚
3 columns
2 columns
1 column
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