DIY Aquaponics system from scraps


Building Aquaponics from Scraps

So, I made a promice to a few nice steemians here that I would make a guide about this new project I had been working on - Aquaponics!
So what is Aquaponics? According to Wikipedia: " refers to any system that combines conventional aquaculture (raising aquatic animals such as snails, fish, crayfish or prawns in tanks) with hydroponics (cultivating plants in water) in a symbiotic environment."

Having a few pieces of an old metal gutter around, I figured it'd be nice to hang a bounch of them up, in a way that water from the top could run through all of them, in nice little waterfalls, and right into a big plastic pond, to be sucked up again with a small water pump.
So I hung them up that way, and put some soil and plants of strawberries and a lettuce:


I started thinking what else I could do with it, and went online for some ideas, and figured i'll cover the plastic pond thing with nice lava stone, and put fish inside, and make aquaponics.
I have no fish yet, but everything else is ready.
I used a 12V electric pump, got it on Aliexpress, and plugged it to a small 12v solar panel, but you could use a standard 12v charger/transformator.


The idea is that the water go back to the pond, where the fish live and poop, fertilizing the plants growing on top, and creating a symbiotic system.



Still handling a few more leaks, before I can bring fish in, but I will take more photos when it's done :)



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