Our Dogs - Merle has Ehrlichiosis

For about a week now we have noticed one of our Catahoula/Great Pyrenees mixes, Merle, has lost a lot of weight. Towards the end of the week he became lethargic and Friday night I noticed he didn't eat anything. He started shivering and began showing some neurological symptoms.

It was already night time when this happened. We called the vet and explained what was going on. His symptoms didn't warrant an emergency visit and the bill that accompanies, so we made an appointment for first thing Monday morning. We spent the weekend keeping him warm, as he seemed and felt chilly, and offering food and drink as often as possible. He ate about a tablespoon of tuna on Saturday with some chicken vitamins (it was all I had). On Sunday he ate another tablespoon of chicken. He drank a little here and there, but never very much.


We had Merle's vet appointment this morning. They performed a blood test and a fecal swab. The blood test almost immediately came up postive for Ehrlichiosis. It is a tick-borne disease that attaches itself to white blood cells and can even effect their joints, bones, brain, and organs, causing lasting damage. He has some permanent liver damage and the neurological signs as well. (See the video with this.) Merle has lost a third of his body weight. Normally almost 75 pounds, he weighs 50. He is now on antibiotics for the next four weeks, and steroids. He has high calorie canned dog food to eat as well. We may have to force-feed him. It may be a week before we see any improvement. Good vibes, thoughts, and hopes are much appreciated.

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