Lisa’s diary, a dog with AIHA part 3

Hi Steemians, today Lisa's diary part 3



Thursday, May 8, 2014

Tonight I went to Utrecht again with a lovely colleague. Lisa was happy to see me.

When a nurse opened her cage, she jumped excitedly to greet me. We were allowed to sit in the waiting room, this was better for Lisa. The rottweiler in the loft against her barked a lot.

In the waiting room I gave her a dog biscuit. She liked that very well. After that, i hugged her until she was tired and I brought her back.

Tomorrow my husband can take a bone for her, according to the nurse, Lisa had an interest in the rottweiler's bone.

Friday, May 9, 2014

This afternoon, echoes and x-rays were made of her belly and rib cage. No details have been found. So the reason for autoimmune sickness is unlikely to be found. In addition, cultures have been taken to find out which bacteria she must fight. They can then adjust the medication.

The risk of blood poisoning is still present so that situation has not changed. Her blood values are still stable today ! Still no fever. We are waiting and hoping for the best.

Her left leg has also been swallowed up and it hurts to walk.

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Video of Lisa

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Just back from Utrecht, talked to the doctor who has Lisa already under treatment. The situation is stable. But still worrying.

Her legs are less swollen, but they keep them well controlled because the risk of blood poisoning is still present.

It is very nice to hear that Lisa is very sweet. He told me that Lisa already knows him ... when he walks along, her head ends and begins to shake her tail. All employees are crazy about her. He told me that when all dogs were as easy as Lisa, his work became a lot easier.

She is also very spoiled, she gets canned food what she likes very much. Lisa is eating and drinking well. Today, her stool was again normal.

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I gave her some cookies that she liked. Then it's time to say goodbye. Saying goodbye is getting worse with the day.

I can not get used to leaving her behind ... I know she can not go home, I feel guilty, feeling sorry for her again ... and that makes me very sad. .....

Sunday, May 11, 2014

The blood values of Lisa show today and a slight increase. Ht is now 23%. So this seems okay. But now there is fluid in the abdominal cavity. Whether it is because of the swollen legs or there is another medical cause that doctors do not know yet. Also, the risk of blood poisoning has not yet gone ...

Lisa looks very happy and alert! My husband, son and daughter-in-law are visiting her tonight. They brought some sweets to her.

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Unfortunately I could not be there today. I had to work. Tomorrow I go to Lisa again. Even though I could not visit her tonight, Lisa had a visit.

***Monday, May 12, 2014


The treated doctor believes that she is happier and more active. Blood values again 1 point up .... fluid in the stomach was slightly diminished. They are still going to investigate the blood. Also no symptoms of a blood poisoning.

Her paws are being examined by the department of surgery this afternoon.

The results of the cultures to see which antibiotic is best for these bacteria were not yet available.

There is no fluid in Lisa's abdominal cavity. Probably, she is a bit thicker by the prednisone. Perhaps the bladder was a bit fuller because she drank a lot.

This is a side affect of prednisone ...

They did an echo again this afternoon but found nothing. I'm so happy.

video Lisa 2

video Lisa 3

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Tonight, the Blood values were increased again. It is slowly improving! Lisa has been in Utrecht for 12 days now.

Wish you all a very nice day ♡



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