Eating At Next Level Burger


NLB is a 100% plant-based, responsibly sourced, organic, GMO-free restaurant chain, @karensuestudios and I visited while in Portland. I really loved the place.

NLB was born when its founders Matt and Cierra de Gruyter realized that what they wanted for their family—healthy, sustainable, delicious food —could be for everyone.

They first opened in Oregon in 2014, where they have 3 restaurants now. They have 3 other locations in 3 other states, New York, Washington, and California. I'm super excited to see all those plant-based chains pop up.

While there, I wish we didn't eat so much fried food. Fried food doesn't make me feel good and I avoid it most of the time. That's kind of a reminder to myself that I'm better off when I avoid fried food.

Anyhow, Portland didn't deceive me on their vegan options once more. Looking at the video, I salivate at the sight of us drinking that milkshake as it was so delicious.

The whole menu was very good but, if I was to return there, I would definitely try to avoid the fried stuff as much as possible.

I hope this restaurant chain get to expand even more in the near future, for the benefit of everyone, animals and humans alike.


I've gone through my health routine as usual but I only ran 9k instead of 10k. I'm glad I was able to run at all. My ankle was worrying me but in the end, it held up quite surprisingly.

I've also re-read a large part of my post "Fully Enjoy This Moment!". It was a fun read. The post is a detail explanation of Bitcoin and many other aspects of cryptocurrencies and national currencies.

If anyone knows about a better primer on Bitcoin let me know. I'll be interested to read it and share it to whoever wants to learn about cryptocurrencies.

Here's a fun up-to-date fact on cryptocurrencies:

Bitcoin created around $15M of mining reward in the last 24h (a huge chunk of it used in electricity cost), while 2 million EOS have been created today at a price of around 11$ for a total of $22M.

That's should be a good indication of how much enthusiasm there is around EOS.

EOS and Steem are based on DPOS which are very energy efficient.

The higher the price of Bitcoin, the greater the mining rewards, the greater the amount of electricity used.

That being said both POW coin like Bitcoin and DPOS coin like Steem and EOS have their own advantages and merits. It's not all one of the other.

I feel like most people greatly benefit from learning about the nature of money, money creation and cryptocurrencies and that's the reason why I love talking about those subjects.

I go into much more details on these in my series of posts listed below.

100% Upvote On The Best Comment

I'll give a 100% upvote on the best comment done under "Toward A More Merciful World!" aka "What Truly Matters!". I might give more than just one 100% upvote. People have until this post is payout to comment.

Some Of My Previous Post

  1. What Truly Matters!
  2. How National Currencies Are Created And Who They Profit
  3. Cryptocurrencies: The Best Investments Of All Time
  4. Understanding Bitcoin [if you know better let me know]
  5. Understanding Bitcoin Cash
  6. How To Buy And Secure Your First Bitcoin
  7. Empower Everyone, Decentralize Everything!
  8. Doing Away With Governments: How And Why
  9. The Only Meaningful Measure Of Success Is Joy
  10. Cryptocurrencies Stats And How To Invest
  11. Steem: Where Money Talks And Kindness Rules!
  12. Technological Abundance
  13. In The Name Of Freedom
  14. What I Do And Stand For As A Witness

My Most Interesting Post

Thank You Dan Larimer! You Are A Great Mentor!

Understanding Steem

Good To Know

  • I use Markdown Pad (free version) to create my posts.
  • How to align pictures.

The Chats!

50% of the profit of this post will go to @karensuestudios!

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