Ulog Entry of Mave!! | Two for One Ulogging in DLive!


So this is my 2nd video in Dlive and this is in support of our boy Terry and my contest! I thought the timing couldn't be so perfect as I attempt to pull off a tongue twister as well as explain Ulogs!

I have to say that when Terry shared the idea of Ulog I was thinking it was simple yet so ingenious! It came at the most perfect time when people were demotivated with the bear market and content creation and interaction was at its all-time low.

So Terry in one of his moments of testing which was harder his head or the wall moments came up with an idea to motivate people to write about something they know! Write about themselves.

Who is the biggest expert on you? Well of course it's you!! Some would say that yes most people are already creating content about themselves so how is this any different?

Well majority of what people would write about is their extreme highs and lows. It is when they did something they are really excited about like going on a trip, getting married, winning a contest. It can also be when they are at their absolute lowest and things are not doing well.

Yet most of us live our lives in the middle. People think that the middle is boring and mundane. Yet it is your life! What might be ordinary to you is something extraordinary to us.

We get to see how you live your life. See your hopes and dreams, your failures and sadness and everything in between.

So write about you Ulogs. Tell us your story and be part of the movement that will change not just Steem but the internet.

You matter, let us be your fans and embrace your celebrityhood.

If you want to join Terry's contest you can go here
We Are Taking ULOGGING On DLIVE In The First Official #ulog Contest. A PlayFul Contest Without "Losers" Where We Will Get Better Insight Into The Grand Picture For ULOGS.ORG

Now my contest has ended but you are more than encouraged to make a short video on what Ulog means to you! Tag me as I would love to see you.

My video is at DLive

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