First DLive Intro Video to Lashing!


Hey guys!

Aside from looking at eyes all day, I also LOVE doing eyelash extensions! My friends literally make fun of me because my whole life is "EYES", haha!

I am a certified lash artist. I took my course with a company called LashLine Academy! If any of you guys are thinking about becoming a lash artist, and reside in Canada or the US - definitely check this company out! I had such a great experience with them and as an optometrist, I know that they take great caution in educating their students about safety around the eyes!

Why did I want to become a lash artist?
My friend and I decided to take the course together, because frankly, we have an addiction to getting our own lashes done, and wanted the convenience of being able to lash each other whenever we wanted to! We also experienced poor work and lashing techniques from some local artists as well. Eyelash extensions started becoming very popular locally and on social media. I wanted to learn the proper techniques of lashing, and to hopefully provide my clients, friends and family the best that they could get!

What do I love most about lashing?
There are many things that I love about lashing! This includes girl time with my friends and family. Also, it is meditative for me! Whenever I lash, I find that I don't have to think about how stressful my day could have been, or what I need to do, or plan to do in the next few days. I just focus on the conversation that I am having with my clients, and focus on lashing. One of the most satisfying things about lashing is seeing the end result!

What I dislike about lashing?
If you are lashing properly, it can be very time consuming. A fresh, full set of lashes can take up to 2-3 hours! I do assure you that time flies by when your lashing!

Thanks for watching my intro video, and stay tuned for lash application tips. As an optometrist, it is also my due diligence to discuss eye issues that can arise with lash extensions!


My video is at DLive

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