Digital Eye Strain


Is it almost impossible to go a day without looking at digital devices. This is including, but not limited to, computers, cell phones, and tablets. This can lead to a condition called digital eye strain.

What are some possible symptoms of digital eye strain?

  1. Headaches
  2. Sore, tired eyes; pain/pressure around the eyes
  3. Blurred vision
  4. Irritation to the eyes
  5. Double vision
  6. Watery eyes and/or dry eyes
  7. Stinging/burning sensation to the eyes
  8. Neck pain and/or shoulder and upper back pain

How to prevent digital eye stain

  1. Make sure to sit an arm's length away from the computer screen. Being too far or too close to the computer screen can cause your eyes to have to focus harder
  2. Ensure your monitor brightness matches the brightness in the room
  3. Cut down overhead lights (such as overhead fluorescent lighting), and consider using a floor lamp or another source of indirect light
  4. Use an anti-glare film over your monitor
  5. Upgrade your monitor, especially if you are using an older monitor. New screens offer higher resolution and are less straining for the eyes
  6. Anti-glare coating on your glasses
  7. Follow the 20-20-20 rule. This means that for every 20 minutes of up close work, take a 20 second break and look 20 feet away
  8. Increase the font size on your computer
  9. Use artificial tears, especially when your eyes are dry and red
  10. Blue-light blocker filter on your glasses

Last, but not least, visit your optometrist for a comprehensive eye exam!! This is to ensure that you do not have a small reading or computer prescription that you may benefit from!

Hope you learned something new today, and can apply these tips to your everyday life!


My video is at DLive

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