First Look At Our New Home Project - DIY Trailer / Mobile Home Repair


Guess We Are Moving?

So, it is entirely possible that we have taken on a new project that is more than we can chew. Specifically, that of moving. Now, we didn't want to move. Really, how often do people want to move in this day and age? Nope, this isn't by choice. It is by fate. It just so happens that the owner of the house in which we currently live, well, he is no more. He has passed on. We didn't know him. This place is managed by a company.

At first, they told us that they would be selling, but that the house went to the estate and that they had no plans of kicking anyone out. Then a month passed by and they had a house inspection. Then another one and another one. THe next thing I knew, I was on a meeting one day and all of a sudden people began to just walk through our home. This was all unannounced until 15 minutes before when the management company apologized but explained that a potential buyer would be here to look at the house.

We have people above us, and we live in the basement. They weren't even home when this happened. So, this development was uncool but should have been a one-time thing. That is what the management company said. Then, less than a week later, I show up (running late as usual) and there are like 10 people here... plumbers, a heating person, not one but THREE real estate agents and a few other people for handyman repairs. No notice, none whatsoever, was given.

Needless to say, that that trip was the beginning of the end.

My more clear-headed half, Brian over on @art.gaming.magic was at work. He called to check in (just in time!) and I told him. He promptly made some calls and everyone left.

This is the End, my Friend...

Two days later we got a note on the basement door and they got one on the top floor, asking everyone to be out within a month and the note gave us to the 4th of April to be out. Well, that date is swiftly approaching. We didn't have a choice and thought that we were totally boned. The weather has been rainy and there isn't a lot of work on the freelance front sometimes this time of year. I was kind of coasting with my current client and Brian was working but well, there is only so much one can do in the rain when they wash cars when they aren't writing. We were in the famine portion of the feast or famine cycle. In other words, we were up shit creek without a paddle!

Thankfully, a friend just so happened to be thinking of getting rid of their trailer. They were going to sell it outright and then the roof began to leak.

We Need a Plan, Captain


This is me, coming up with a plan... Oh shit. This should bee good...

Well, without a lot of options, suddenly, it looked like we were moving into a trailer. Mind you, a trailer that needs a lot of work. We are not typically the DIY types. We have been living in the place we are at for years now. Him, longer than me, since this was his place before he met me. But, we have been dating for 3 years and this is the only home we have known together.

This was the house that I fell in love with him in. This was the house where he opened his doors to a lady that he hardly knew. This is where I first met the love of my life.

With that being said, I kind of hate living here for a number of reasons. I have cursed this house, stomping my foot declaring how I wanted to move. Now I am kind of sad. I woul have anticipated being more excited, moving out and finding a place of our own, together. But it was only in the last year that I decided to finally to begin to kind of feel at home. I started decorating and finally carved a space out for myself here. I have made this into my home and while there are others that have lived here longer (the guy upstairs has actually been in this house for 15 years so I am sure this is more of a transition for him for sure). That doesn't negate that this is my home, our home, and I am sad to be going.

As the date for the move grows closer, I am focusing on getting the trailer fixed up and claiming it for ourselves. It is hard because we have a steep learning curve and there is some serious problems. The irst one being the ceiling. With the leak, the water just soaked up and traveled so quickly. There are nearly 20 panels (as well as the insulation above them) that need to be removed. Some of the frame joints and the wood supporting the roof will need to be moved as well. The entire bathroom, part of the room that will be my office, the master bedroom and the spare (the kids) bedroom needs to have the paneling done. Then we need to figure out the next move. We also need to fix a pipe and some flooring. All of this needs to be done before we move.

Why Not Document?

It has almost been a year on Steem and I have slowly gained friends and people that I talk to on the regular on here. A slow process so far, but an enjoyable one. I come on here to share. Sure, you'll hear me bitching because I am broke and how I am unsure if we will make this work or not... I don't do so at this point, asking for money. I do this, rather, to share the journey. I am sure others out there will have to go through something similar, and hey, maybe it will help someone.

How You Can Help

What I really would like from people out there is advice, enocuragment and suggestions. When I say that we have never done anything like this before, I am not exaggerating. We both have some handyman experience, thankfully... but we are in a weird spot. The timing isn't right, but it couldn't be better. We could use direction... so feel free to watch the feeds as things progress and if you see something that you know we can do easier, please let us know. If you have a suggestion, feel free to chime in!

Periscoping Life

Since I found the periscope app, I won't lie... I have become a bit obsessed. I don't know what it is, but there is something about the whole reality television for the mundane that I really dig. It helps on so many levels and really, it has been an integral part of the journey so far. I did the initial recording in Periscope because the live feed enables me the chance to get real-time feedback on what I am doing and in my own personal opinion, creates a more transparent and authentic sense of what is going on. Rather than having the time to go back and prettify the feed, the live feed is what is really happening in the moment. Considering that this whole event is happening in the moment for us, I figured that I would continue to give a look in this way

Check Out Our Progress So Far!

First Live Video Feed -
First Look at the Trailer

Then there was the next, where we assessed more of the damage. In this video we were able to see the damage up top and worked with the tarp a bit.

The third video we got some of the repairs done.

For Those Without Periscope

There are those, such as my parents, that don't have the live app technology comprehension. They are managing to text and watch videos though, so with that being said, I can't give them too much crap.


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