Art meets History: Pawel Durow #6


Pawel Durow

The founder of VK and Telegram

Age: ~37 years

Pawel Valeryevich #Durow is the name of this talented Russian #entrepreneur and developer. He is known for founding the social #network VK and Telegram.

At the age of 22, Durow had already developed his social network VK, but at 28 he had to leave the project due to disagreements with shareholders. However, this also had good things, because it allowed him to focus on Telegram, the #messenger that made Durow famous worldwide.

By the end of 2017, #Telegram was already worth more than $1 billion US, making its #creator a dollar billionaire.

However, until 2018, Durow's name was not yet associated with cryptocurrencies. But then it happened that Telegram announced the #development of Telegram Open Network, a secure embedded #proxy and #blockchain #platform anonymizer. Thus, Durow had his foot in the #blockchain and #cryptocurrency world. Durow plans to start messaging and data storage services and payment tools on it in its own cryptocurrency of #GRAM project.

2018 was also the year that Messenger received $1.7 billion from more than 170 investors to develop two new projects. Namely, the cryptocurrency Gram and the blockchain platform TON.

Thus, Durow is also a well-known name in the blockchain world, although possibly few really know it consciously.

#Artwork created by me, myself and I like always


More is coming up all it will be an animal Head Collection of 15 Artworks.... Stay up-to-date guys.

Here my NFT Vodoo Doll Collection:

Feel free to check my ongoing #NFT #Lucid #DreamWorld #Collection here:

Or all of my #NFT #creations here:

Yes, some collections are minted, limited edition and on #polygon #blockchain

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