Diet recommendations for the elderly.

These observations come from the diet I've seen among the houses I visit.

Most of the diseases that keep your loved ones bed bound are related to sugar
Heart attacks
Poor blood circulation

Solution? Stop eating sugar

What is "sugar"
What foods contain "sugar"?
How much sugar do bed bound patients need?

What nutrients do the patients actually need?
They need protein
Vitamins, minerals, trace elements
Fat (including cholesterol) especially cholesterol
They need probiotics, prebiotics, fiber

They need foods that do not contain refined sugar
They need foods that do not cause inflammation.

How do you put these ideas into practice?

Avoid all sugar
Avoid processed foods
Avoid packaged food
Avoid wheat

Eat real whole foods
Introduce more vegetables
Introduce more fish
Eat eggs and meat in moderation.

Stop wheat and sugar.
Reduce rice, oats and legumes.

Special advice for the elderly.
They will need gradual introduction of whole foods
They might need digestive enzyme support. (Ox bile, pepsin, probiotics, fermented food)
They need much less food than you think.

I'm saying, give this a try for a few weeks. See if you and your loved ones get healthier. Even by a little bit. If it works, stick to it. If it doesn't, go back to your old ways.

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