Week one of Carb Cycling in the books

Well, I made it through week one of Carb Cycling. I wish I could say I managed to follow my plan I laid out last week perfectly but, I did not. I came close though. So far my progress has only been 2 pounds lost but, progress is progress so I'll take it.

My Breakfasts on low carb days are comprised of 2 eggs a slice of Cheese and a Low carb Wrap for a total of 280 Calories and 5 Carbs. Morning snack is 1/4 C of almonds for 3 more carbs and 161 more calories. Lunch has either been Cottage Cheese with some sliced fruit. (strawberries, blueberries or black berries)or a Green salad with grilled chicken and Vinaigrette dressing. Afternoon snack is a protein shake and a cheese stick. Dinner was what was menu planned in my previous post.

My Breakfasts on a high carb days are a Light Greek Yogurt and an English Muffin, Morning snack more Almonds this time I mix it up and bring smoked or wasabi soy flavored almonds. Lunch is a Sandwich or leftovers from the dinner the night before. Afternoon snack again a protein shake and a cheese stick and then Dinner.

Upside of being on a "program" is my husband @qwasert get's his lunch packed every morning. I've had more energy this past week and I don't feel as irritable.

Downside of this week was I messed up on Friday, and had a cheat day. My little girls were out of school for a teacher prep day. It was also Ground Hog's day so we made cupcakes to celebrate. They were very tasty. They were a dark chocolate cupcake with peanut butter marshmallow fluff for a filling and Cream Cheese frosting on the top. We decorated with Green Jimmies to look like grass, Cookie crumbs to look like dirt and a Graham Cracker ground hog. To save myself from temptation we delivered most of these to neighbors and friends. My sister and her boys came over to get in on the decorating fun, so we sent some home with her as well.

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Next week I'm going to be focusing more on drinking my water and getting in all 8 glasses of water.

Menu for next week is as follows:

Low CarbHigh CarbLow CarbHigh CarbLow CarbHigh CarbCHEAT DAY
Shrimp and Sausage SkilletHam and Cheese pocketsAsian Lettuce WrapsBeef TipsRanch Pork ChopsEasy EnchiladasTo Be determined :)

Wish me luck on Week two! Have a blessed Sunday!

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