Treatment Solutions For Diarrhea Pain

Often times, stomach problems such as diarrhea can be overcome with the help of several self-care steps.

Here are some solutions that help treat diarrhea at home.

Frequent and watery bowel movements are a common feature of diarrheal pain. Everyone at some point of time has this stomach problem. Diarrhea is usually caused by spicy foods, viruses, bacteria, and parasites. It can also occur due to stress, certain medications, lactose, fructose and certain artificial sweeteners. Diarrhea may also occur in some postoperative people associated with the stomach or gallbladder. Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, celiac disease, irritable bowel syndrome and some cancers are medical conditions that can cause chronic diarrhea. In addition to causing frequent diarrhea and watery occurrence, diarrhea can also trigger cramps or abdominal pain, fever, bloating and blood in the stool depending on the underlying cause.

How to Overcome Diarrhea at home
A common problem of diarrhea is the loss of large amounts of water and salt from the body. This can trigger at risk of severe dehydration. So it is important to drink lots of clear fluids such as water, broth, and fruit juice (without waste) until symptoms improve. Experts advise to drink 1 cup of fluid each time after defecation.

White rice, mashed potatoes, boiled carrots, and pasta are the sources of starch that help to overcome the pain of diarrhea as a good food for consumption when diarrhea.

Apples are also an effective remedy for diarrhea. Because apples are rich in pectin and these substances also help in tightening the soft or liquid bowel movements.

Diarrhea causes the loss of electrolytes from the body very much. Bananas are rich in potassium and can help restore potassium levels. However, it is advisable to take a raw green banana and not a ripe one. Furthermore, green bananas are also rich in pectin.

Regardless of what has been mentioned above, foods that are allowed during the occurrence of diarrhea include:

Peanut butter
Toast bread
Boiled fish
Lean beef
Chicken without skin

Among the dairy products, yogurt is the only one that is allowed during diarrhea. Yogurt with active or live cultures helps restore healthy balance of bacteria in the intestines and helps for the treatment of diarrhea.

Speaking of herbal remedies or medications for diarrhea, many people benefit from (all brewed without sugar):

• Tea made from an Agrimony potion
• Tea made from fresh or dried bilberries
• Marshmallow root
• Psyllium seeds

Note: Herbs are not completely free from side effects. It is therefore important to consult a health care provider or physician before using them.

Foods to avoid during diarrheal attacks:

• Caffeine products (chocolate, coffee etc.)
• Alcohol
• Fatty and fried foods
• Orange fruit
• sugar free gum
• Too much fiber foods
• Foods producing gas and bloating triggers (beans, vegetables, and cereals)
• Dairy products
• Spicy food

Most people with diarrhea recover within a few days without long-term problems. However, this condition can affect children more severe than adults. Young children can easily become dehydrated from diarrhea. If they show signs such as urination lower than normal, being lethargic or drowsy, cold hands or feet or pale skin, then they should be taken to a pediatrician without delay. Young children, especially younger than a year or six months, and those born with low weight are more susceptible to dehydration if they have diarrhea.

So it is advisable to take them to the doctor earlier instead of relying on a treatment solution for home diarrhea or the like.

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