By Jennifer Mahone


ADMISSION: I APPROVE this message! To its fullest! Today our Guest Post comes from JODI RUND, Owner of Palm Beach and North Palm Fit Body Boot Camps. We had the wonderful opportunity to be founding members when Jodi opened her first location almost 2 years ago. She now owns 2 very successful locations and has helped so many people reach their health and fitness goals. When we joined it was a moment of realization that we were out of shape, over-weight and on the verge of some possible health issues. It was time for us to get serious about restoring our health and making some much needed changes in our everyday decisions. And we couldn’t do it alone.

Jodi’s program was the only program that we were actually able to stick with and find what works for us. What we love about Jodi and her team is the fact that they ALWAYS try to find the right fit for every single member. One-on-ones are a real thing and health ranks higher than just looking good! (Looking good will happen and is that extra added bonus) If you happen to live in the Palm Beach area, visit one of her 2 locations and try them out for a WEEK FREE.

I spent years trying out probably just about every detox out there and let me just say…I ended up living out some pretty miserable days and weeks of multiple bathroom visits, having to stay close to home while detoxing and never being able to keep the weight off that temporarily vanished and returned as soon as the detox was done. I encourage you to read Jodi’s much needed message and learn the BEST WAY to DETOX your body!

By: Jodi Rund

“Detox” is certainly a popular buzzword in the dieting world, and we are quickly brainwashed by the promises of a detox remedy. The idea behind it is that we need to periodically clear the “toxic waste” from our body in order to stay healthy. Detox products claim to help us counteract a busy lifestyle by removing ‘toxins’ that have built up. Many see it as a quick fix after over-indulging, like at Thanksgiving, News Year’s Eve, or a big party.


Well… in actuality…The concept of detox is irrational and unscientific. For one, the term ‘toxic’ or ‘toxins’ is used to imply that chemicals are causing you harm and are requiring a supplement to help you rid them. However, chemicals DO NOT accumulate in the body. Instead, they are removed very efficiently by our very own built-in detox mechanisms: our liver, kidneys, intestines, lungs, lymphatic system, and skin (* and a side note, if these organs are not functioning properly, you need to see a physician….not use a detox supplement!) Second, the word, “chemical,” is problematic as well. It is another buzz word. Just because it’s a chemical, doesn’t make it bad. In fact, anything made of atoms can be called a chemical, so almost everything is a chemical! Anything you can breathe, see, ingest, or touch is made of chemicals. Some are single chemicals, such as pure water or oxygen or baking soda. Others are mixtures– such as shampoos, milk, tap water, a car.

In reality, all chemicals have the potential to be toxic when misused, so the danger lies in the dosage. Take Vitamin A, for example, when used in small doses is beneficial but taking 20 pills at once could damage your liver. The problem with detox products is that the chemicals they claim to remove from your body actually do not accumulate in the body. Many of the detox products, which claim to flush the body of chemicals are just using diuretics, which increase the amount you urinate. This just removes water and salt.


Rapid weight loss can occur, but the weight that is lost comes from water, glycogen (the body’s carbohydrate stores) and muscle, rather than fat. And – a prolonged lack of protein causes your body to break down its own muscles and can compromise your immune system. So, while you may achieve temporary weight loss, it is only accomplished through dehydration and muscle breakdown. Unfortunately, you will regain the weight as you rehydrate and start eating again.


One key principle for your body’s own detoxification is to make less cellular trash in the first place. So, try, intermittent fasting (taking a break from food) …skip breakfast and eat your first meal sometime between 10-2pm. When your body is not digesting food, it is digesting your dead cells, free-radical damage, and metabolic wastes much faster, which is integral to anti-aging, less wrinkles, and less dark circles. It also helps to avoid excessive intakes of caffeine, alcohol, highly processed, grain-based, and sugary foods.

For maximum effectiveness after a period of indulgence, just follow three simple steps:

  1. Drink lots of water to help you rehydrate and help your kidneys do their job.

  2. Fast till noon, and then eat a clean diet with healthy meats, eggs, fish, natural fats, & fresh vegetables.

  3. Do some exercise & get a good night’s sleep.


Jodi earned her master of education degree (M.Ed.) at the University of Illinois (UIUC). She has served as a proud member of the U.S. Military and is a veteran of the Operation Iraqi Freedom War. Since then, Jodi has lived and taught in Costa Rica for nine years as a co-founder of a preschool through high school as well as a fitness instructor at the Four Seasons Resort. She currently resides in both Guanacaste, Costa Rica & West Palm Beach, Florida with her husband of 16 years and their two young boys.

She owns and operates two Palm Beach Fit Body training studios and is certified as a NASM personal trainer, fitness nutrition specialist, and functional aging specialist (senior fitness). Jodi hopes to help others understand that slight changes in lifestyle can lead to dramatic improvements in fitness, health, and happiness. She enjoys playing basketball, hiking, tumbling, and traveling, as well as writing about health-related topic in regard to family, pregnancy, children, and discipline on her website www.jodirund.com.

If you are interested in trying a free week at one of her FIT BODY training studios for guidance, support, nutrition, motivation, and accountability, you can click here: http://FREEWEEKfitbody.com

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