Into the depths

I remember this trip I had with some college buddies of mine a few years back. It was truly something memorable because of a variety of reasons.

It has been a decade since some of us had seen each other and when a batchmate invited us to go North to Cagayan we grabbed the chance! He promised a get together we would never forget!

It was as if a decade had not passed as we recalled the adventures and misadventures we all had. Of the professors we hated, of who punched who behind the swimming pool, of those that have already died upon which we offered a toast.

He had everything planned out from going to beaches, and eating a feast fit for a king! One of the highlights of the trip was to visit the famed Callao Cave complex in Peñablanca, Cagayan.

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Callao Cave

It is a cave complex compromised of seven chambers. It is part of a 300 cave section that is in the area.

The rocks are mainly limestone giving the area around it named Peñablanca (Spanish for white rocks).

In order to reach it, one must ride a small boat which we call banca.


Pinacanauan River flows from some point in the cave which had slowly chipped away at the rock and made tunnels and caves.

After making it to the other side we would climb a staircase


From what I could recall it was about 100 steps of so which prompted several of our group to swear off smoking as they held their sides as they climbed.

Once up there we see the entrance of the cave lit by several lamps.


We enter the cave with some dread and fear. Fear of the unknown and bats. Yes, I was thinking of bats the whole time.

With one last look at the entrance, we began our procession.

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The limestone floor proved slippery in several sections but no one was seriously hurt just their pride and having another story attached to their name.

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I look up and see the source of the natural light in a dark cave bathing it was an almost ethereal glow.

It shines down a Catholic Altar. I see some of my batchmates kneel and offer a silent prayer.

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I would not say that I am a religious person even though at one point of my life I wanted to be priest.

Yet things change and priorities and dream can take a backsit on what we are doing.


Here it looks iike it has something special, something our eyes could not see nor my brain comprehend.

Or maybe it was just the filter I used that was playing tricks on my mind.

After saying a short prayer we made our way to the exit on the other side of the cave. Here I was still having fun playing with the filters that I was trying to create a fantasy mood.

It is as if any minute that a shade from the netherworld would be summoned and try to possess the weary travellers.


Look at the light shimmer as if looks like a timeline was being ripped apart. Nothing untoward would happen and we did eventually got out of the cave.

Source of info


So that was a memorable vacation I had with some awesome images of the places we went!

I hope that you enjoyed my mini field trip and I would like to hear yours!

This is an entry to his Hit Me With Your Best Shot!! Deranged Photography Contest!

I chose these images because it felt special.

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