Her name is Depression


Beautiful ambience,
a painting of my fine life
tier the veil and you would see
a void, empty palette
colors have all gone quiet
broken down, silent
troubled mind, can't fight it

Time has become violent
hours feels like years
minutes become days
thoughts feel like tears
tongue taste like death
numb, sore, dead

War beneath my skin
the hangman's song it sings
the noose of solitude
tightening at each breath
a suffocating intent
love is the only repent
who to understand ?

I am not what it seem
there is a script o this scene
the smile is just a farce
to make time fly fast
it's sand to my heart
burying me steady,
as i crumble in microbes
who to care ?

The termite of emotions
in her unruly endeavor
has found my abode
extermination, death, both ?

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