10 Reasons to include mouthwash in your daily dental routine

Essential rules of proper daily oral routine are known to everyone. Brush your teeth twice a day for two minutes, floss, and rinse your mouth after meals. However, even if you follow all of that diligently, you still have a risk of developing dental diseases. Bacteria are very sneaky creatures and not so easy to defeat.
What can you add into your daily routine to provide your teeth additional protection? There are special mouthwashes that can help you with that. You’ve surely seen them in most household stores. These means of oral hygiene is definitely worth your attention, and here’s why.

Why Is the Use of Mouthwash Good for Our Dental Health?

  • It helps to clean food remains and bacteria from your mouth
  • It prevents the development of multiple dental diseases including cavities and receding gums
  • It gives you fresh breath
  • It can improve the color of your teeth
  • The strength of the effect will largely depend on how often you use it.

10 Reasons to Use Mouthwash

  1. Fight bacteria: Even the most precise brushing is not able to remove all the bacteria. They are everywhere – on your teeth, between them, under your gums, on your tongue and cheeks. Mouthwash can reach places where your toothbrush and floss can’t.

  2. Prevention of decay: Besides being a good tooth decay treatment, mouthwashes strengthen your dental enamel and reduce the production of acid.

  3. Prevention of calculus development: Calculus is a hardened plaque that consists of bacteria. If you already have calculus built up, you can visit your dentist to get your teeth cleaned. But you can prevent them from appearing in the future by using mouthwash which removes bacteria.

  4. Gentle care for sensitive teeth: It will make your daily hygiene far more comfortable without reducing its quality. Besides, mouthwash reduces the influence of aggressive factors mentioned above.

  5. Improve the color of your teeth: In many cases, teeth discoloration is a result of poor oral hygiene. The plaque absorbs pigments from food. Most mouthwashes contain essential oils that kill the bacteria and bring whiteness back to your teeth.

  6. Makes your breath fresh: Its ability to get into the tightest places in your mouth to wash the bacteria out and its deodorizing effect will make your breath smell much better.

  7. Strengthen your enamel: Mouthwashes contain fluorine that performs a remineralizing action over the enamel making it more tough and resistible to aggressive bacterial action.

  8. Taking care of your gums: The same way that bacteria destroys our teeth, is the same way it ruins our gums, this is why the action of mouthwash kills two birds with one stone.

  9. Better maintain braces: It helps people with braces and dentures better clean their mouth. These devices have a lot of tight places for bacteria to colonize and cleaning those areas with a toothbrush isn’t really effective. But combining brushing with mouthwash gets the job done far better.

  10. Treating dental diseases: Mouthwashes are often appointed by dentists as part of special treatments to help relieve discomfort. Many of the prescribed mouthwashes have special contents with soothing and disinfecting components.

We hope you realize that mouthwash is crucial for your dental health. There are no excuses to deprive your teeth from this added protection and care. To choose the best mouthwash for your individual oral conditions, consult with your dentist.

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