One Week Of Extreme Fever Has Given Me Fascinating Hallucinations & Insights - Is This Dengue I'm Suffering From?

For the last week I have been suffering from one of the most severe fevers I have ever experienced. I have been rolling around my bed poring sweat and alternately shivering violently from cold or burning up from heat. My days have been filled with the soft pounding of my feet and fists against the walls giving rhythm to my suffering.

I have wanted to post as I usually do on Steemit but my brain was not functioning correctly and the screen was painful to my eyes.

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Experiencing such a high fever has created hallucinations, triggered memories and given my mind the opportunity to create connections in an altered state which do not occur in a normal mental state. Although the fever has been horrendous it has shown me some interesting things.

I already have several posts to write from my altered state experiences.

Trying to work out what was wrong with me it seemed that there were several possibilities. One of them is Dengue Fever which I have been researching due to the dangerous vaccine administered in the Philippines. However researching Dengue Fever while thinking that I may have it has given me greater insights into the injustice of the deaths claimed to have been caused by the Dengvaxia vaccine.

Only a blood test will confirm if I have Dengue or not. I have not been to the hospital yet because as usual I just lie in bed and suffer through illness. However there was one day where I felt I might have to take a taxi to hospital before I became too weak to look after myself.

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Although I was not able to post my mind was as usual always active. Extremely high fevers created altered states of mind and hallucinations for me. Although highly unpleasant I was able to observe my mind operating in fascinating new ways because of these altered mental states.

I suspect you will enjoy some of the posts I will be making over the next week or so!

Please go away fever!

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Image sources: 1, 2, 3.

Jockey loves you All & Plants as Medicine! 😉
Jockey votes 4: @teamsteem, @ausbitbank
& loves @canadian-coconut, @chron, @mammasitta, @samstonehill, @sift666, @v4vapid


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