No true American should vote in 2024

@thekittygirl said something real smart about MY TRUTH versus YOUR TRUTH. I read a lot of the posts in the #informationwars category and I was ready to fight some of yall on what you were saying... but shes right.

Ive always seen the truth as just the truth. Its the thing that happened. The truth is simple. Ive had a lot of fights with my family since I started supporting Trump in a big way and Im slowing coming to the understanding that two people can look at the exact same thing, and take away two entirely different viewpoints from it. Its taken me a long long time to understand that... so here is what I believe and I welcome your comments about it.

No American should vote in 2024

Dominion systems can't flip votes if there aint no votes

Other countries FORCE you to vote. That's communism! Its our constitutional right not to vote if we dont trust the system.

The 2020 election was stolen, and if you vote in 2024 then I reckon your a liar. Your telling everyone that you trust the electoral system enough to put your name against it. Your co-signing a rigged voting system.

Even if Trump wins in 2024, how do you know that clown didn't steal it himself? Never forget that he didn't pardon the J6 patriots. Ive lost so many people because I backed Trump since the start. I never cared about politics before in my life and now Im really seeing the whole system for what it really is.

Republican Shawna Bolick of Phoenix proposed a series of new rules that the Legislature retains ulimate authority in deciding who the states presidential electors are.

Do you understand what that means? If the people vote in one guy Shawna Bolick herself can revoke the formal certification of the election results and put her own person in. What the HELL is that?

Im conservative and shes Repubican but this is the worst idea Ive ever seen. The government overrules what the people decide? Thats communism!

Its also real short-sighted. Do you think the Demorats will accept it if Shawna puts her own person in? They'll burn the whole city down... AND.. what happens when their in and were not... then THEY can ignore the people even if ALL the people vote for Republican. This is more RIGGED rules on top of an already rigged election. This is evil.

The best way for us to protest that the system is rigged against the people is to reject participation. These clowns cant flip my vote to the Demorats if my vote isnt in there system.

I do not agree with all these new measures that theyre putting in, making it harder for everyone to vote. They dont want us to vote and we DONT trust them with our vote.

Ive been reading about Hive a lot the past few days and I reckon the answer might be right here on the blockchain.

  1. Every single American should refuse to vote in 2024
  2. We build a government blockchain where we vote for individual policy instead of for a party or representative
  3. Americans stop fighting with each other over pronouns and stupid shit and start fixing actual problems
  4. All the money we save on elections and government gets spent on providing jobs to Americans to fix all our roads and bridges and schools and hospitals AND we significantly less taxes

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