dCity Digest August 05, 2022 - What's the dNews around #defifarming with SIM-backed NFTs

Welcome dCitizen to this edition of the dCity Digest

dCity.io is a DeFi-Farming platform encompassing a game economy built with NFT tokens based on the hive-engine protocol. HIVE has fast and free transactions, all you need to do is follow these instructions to set up your very own HIVE wallet and play along.

Please refer to a (new) beginner tutorial, population/popularity tutorial, tech mining tutorial, in-depth citizen mining tutorial, dCity.io market interface tutorial, or even the official dCity INFO page for reference.

Digest Date 08/05/2022


Market is not easy that we think by @johndieo

I used to be a person who simply thought about the market. It was only known that if the demand for products increased, the price would rise, and if there was more supply, the price would fall. When...


dCity Digest August 01, 2022 - What's the dNews around #defifarming with SIM-backed NFTs by @ecoinstats

Welcome dCitizen to this edition of the dCity Digest
dCity.io is a DeFi-Farming platform encompassing a game economy built with NFT tokens based on the hive-engine protocol. HIVE has fast and free tra...


Again a lucky day with x5 gains in raids in Hashkings, little progress in dCITY and still waiting for some reaction on the hive price. by @kalib

Again the hive is holding at values ​​close to $0.59, but will it last for another day?
Finally leaving the house t...


Raid gains x5 in Hashkings, buying new assets in dCITY and the coffee is running out by @kalib

Another day when the hive gives you hope that it will rise again but a few minutes later it returns to the same val...


Today I got three new card by @johndieo

Hello everyone. Please pray that you are all well. In our country, we have regular electricity these days. However, on the other hand, they are suffering from the excessive increase in commodity p...


Pay Debt or Not by @johndieo

If you play our #dcity game, we want to get Ranking Rewards. Because getting our Ranking Reward increases Daily HIVE income.
Here, what is essential for income ranking are student cards. Because s...


1er Meetup Gaming (Baquisimeto-Venezuela) #HivePlay2Earn | by @wbrandt [ENG-ESP] by @wbrandt

Hello friends and all the players of this great community as it is #hivegaming I hope everyone is very well, this is my first publication in it, first of all I will introduce myself, my name is Wil...


Meetup Gaming in the city of Barquisimeto-Venezuela [ENG-ESP] by @filoriologo

It has been no secret that after HiveCreatorsDay, the energy in Barquisimeto has been so high that the first Gaming Meetup in the city has already been held without two months having passed. But it wa...


Hashkings progress, starting in dCITY and waiting for a good buy opportunity for Hive by @kalib

Hello Hive community, this post is just about me talking about my daily progress of the Hive Blockchain games I am ...


dCity Updates : How to start playing dCity with 100 Hive! by @chetanpadliya

In terms of USDT 100 Hive is about $57 and in terms of native toke of the game it is about 240000 SIM. To start playing, and understanding the game and its ecosystem, this amount is quite enough. Befo...


Another day of gains in Hashkings, buying assets in dCITY and waiting for the Hive to rise again by @kalib

Before everyone runs away thinking that the Hive is going down again, know that this print was taken durin...


[ES-EN] My Experience as Part of the Organising Team of the First Hive Play 2 Earn Event in Venezuela by @joheredia21

Mi Experiencia En El Evento Hive Play 2 Earn Venezuela
[Versión En Español]

Hola a todos, este es en definitiva una publicación muy especial para mí, es mi experiencia como uno de los organizado...


My first videogame event in Barquisimeto - Venezuela [Es - En] by @eliudgnzlz

Desde que estoy aprendiendo a pro...


Dcity needs a new president, as we don't have one i volunteer :) by @dadspardan

▶️ Watch on 3Speak
Citizens of Dcity are you tired of high tax rates of 100%
But don't take my word for it take it from the man who knows po...

Final Note

10 users featured in today's digest will receive 1 unit of Hive Stake Based Income, which compound over time to deliver a life time vote stream. We also nominate @dcitygame to continue to improve upvotes destined for the dCity reward pool!.

This post is built with 10% beneficiary to @dcityrewards to grow the reward pool

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