Hashkings progress, starting in dCITY and waiting for a good buy opportunity for Hive

Hello Hive community, this post is just about me talking about my daily progress of the Hive Blockchain games I am currently on, and they are Hashkings, Dcity (I started yesterday so I'm still a newbie), Splinterlands which I'm currently not playing because I don't own much free time but I'll be back soon and CryptoBrewMaster that won't is in this post because I do a separate post for it daily.

But who am I? this is the million dollar question (joke you won't get 1 million dollars if you know the answer), let's just say I'm just someone looking for extra earnings and fun with Nfts games and also trading cryptocurrencies, but don't be fooled by my profile picture because I don't own dogecoins.

Another million dollar question is what value is Hive going to "stabilize" this time?, the only thing I know is that my USDTs are already ready waiting for the next buy reaction from the market, but I can't complain about the drop already I turned all Hive Liquid into USDT at the high of $0.82.

Now that you know a little more about Hive's dog named Kalib (this felt a little wrong), let's get to the main part of the post which is my progress/earnings in the games situated above.


Starting with Hashkings where I was posting daily about my progress and reinvesting 100% of my earnings, I am announcing that posts will now be made in this format along with Dcity and other Blockchain Hive games that I will be investing in. Another thing that I will also be announcing is that the way I reinvest 100% of my earnings in Hashkings will also be changed because I currently see raids as the best way to earn in-game, but I will also be investing a small part sometimes in Land Plots and Towers Water because I believe they will have more uses in the future.

My avatars currently on Hashkings are:

Its power for Raids is and to calculate this value just use the formula: (Exp*Power Base) / 100.

In total there are 5 raids currently in Hashkings that are level 0~25, 26~50, 51~75, 76~100 and 100~??.

The current raid for my avatar is 26~50 and my daily earnings vary depending on the rarity of the Boss. Today it was x2 that earned me the following gains:


EXP Token:


FT Token:

I haven't received it yet @Hashkings

All of them can be found to buy or sell on the Hive Engine.


In the game Dcity I'm still a newbie and I'm learning how it works because it's not easy, and finding well explained posts about it is hard to find and some are very old that end up not being very useful since the game ends up having big changes over time.

For now I'm following @ecoinstant posts about Dcity where he gives tips about the game and also talks about other people who publish posts about Dcity so one post ends up leading to another that ends up leading to another and so I collect as much information as I can , but initially my strategy is to go slowly while I learn and a valuable information that I learn is that to start earning rewards for Holdar the SIM token is from 8000 SIM, so my initial investment will be the one that will gradually increase as I learn more about the game and I will also be investing in cards as I learn more about how they work.

If you have any tips about City and want to leave them in the comments, I'd appreciate it.

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